Tradez le Forex et des CFD sur indices boursiers, pétrole et or, xmbonus.


© 2021 XM est un nom commercial de trading point holdings ltd. Tous droits réservés. | politique de confidentialité | politique de cookie | conditions générales il y a une raison pour laquelle plus de 3,5 millions de clients ont choisi XM pour le trading du forex et des CFD sur les actions,

No deposit forex bonuses

Tradez le Forex et des CFD sur indices boursiers, pétrole et or, xmbonus.

Tradez le Forex et des CFD sur indices boursiers, pétrole et or, xmbonus.

Tradez le Forex et des CFD sur indices boursiers, pétrole et or, xmbonus.

les indices boursiers, les matières premières, les métaux et les énergies.

Tradez le forex et des CFD sur indices boursiers,
pétrole et or.

78.04% des comptes des investisseurs particuliers perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils tradent des CFD avec ce fournisseur.
Vous devez vous demander si vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre ce risque élevé de perdre votre argent. Divulgation des risques

  • Tradez avec un courtier réglementé

  • Zéro commission

  • Tradez sur ordinateur, téléphone et tablette

  • Pas de frais cachés

Tradez sur 16 plateformes à partir d'un seul compte

MT4 et MT5, toutes deux disponibles pour les ordinateurs de bureau, tablettes et appareils mobiles


78.04% des comptes des investisseurs particuliers perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils tradent des CFD avec ce fournisseur.
Vous devez vous demander si vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre ce risque élevé de perdre votre argent. Divulgation des risques

Pourquoi choisir XM ?

Il y a une raison pour laquelle plus de 3,5 millions de clients ont choisi XM pour le trading du forex et des CFD sur les actions,
les indices boursiers, les matières premières, les métaux et les énergies.

Licencié et réglementé

Trader avec XM signifie trader avec un courtier licencié et réglementé.

Effet de levier jusqu’à 30:1

XM offre à ses clients un effet de levier jusqu'à 30:1 avec une protection contre le solde négatif, et aucun changement de marge la nuit ou les week-ends.

Aide 24h/24

Chez XM, vous pouvez profiter de l'aide 24h/24, 5j/7 dans plus de 30 langues, par chat en live, email et téléphone.

Plus de 1000 instruments

XM offre le trading de plus de 1000 instruments allant du forex aux CFD sur indices boursiers, pétrole et or.

© 2021 XM est un nom commercial de trading point holdings ltd. Tous droits réservés. | politique de confidentialité | politique de cookie | conditions générales

Juridique : ce site internet est exploité par trading point of financial instruments limited, sous le numéro d'inscription HE251334, domiciliée au 12, richard & verengaria street, araouzos castle court, 3e étage, 3042 limassol, chypre.

Avertissement sur les risques : les CFD sont des instruments complexes et comportent un risque élevé de perdre de l'argent rapidement en raison de l'effet de levier. 78,04 % des comptes d'investisseurs particuliers perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils tradent des CFD avec ce fournisseur. Vous devriez vous demander si vous comprenez le fonctionnement des CFD et si vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre le risque important de perdre votre argent. Veuillez consulter notre divulgation des risques.

Trading point of financial instruments limited fournit des services d'investissement et des services auxiliaires uniquement aux résidents de l'espace économique européen (EEE) et du royaume-uni.

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XM deposit bonus: policies and limitations



Min. Volume

If you are someone who trades on the forex market for a while now, you shall definitely know the XM forex broker. As that is undeniably one of the most reliable and trustworthy ones out there. However, if you are a beginner, you shall undeniably consider taking a look at it. This is a broker you should go for if you are looking for trust and reliability, as well as if you are seeking for the beneficial XM deposit bonus.

With the metatrader 4 and metatrader 5 platforms, the brokerage gives you a wide spectrum of ways to increase your trading profit. Moreover, that allows you to get the deposit bonus we will talk about in more details in that article. Reliability is vital for one to make a deposit with a broker and this is why we have decided to highlight the main points of the XM deposit bonus. However, now without any hidden conditions, XM gives you an impulse with their new deposit bonus for you to start trading right away. Should you or shouldn’t you go for it? Find out in the XM bonus review!

XM deposit bonus description

XM forex broker guarantees that your account will be increased by 50% for any deposit below $1,000. Thus, if you deposit, for instance, $50, then you will get an additional bonus of $2.50. And your trading capital will reach $7.50.

However, the maximum amount of the bonus that might be received equals $500. That means that you are granted a 50%-bonus only until your deposit does not exceed $1,000.

Once your deposit amount is more than $1,000, you will still have that 50% added on the first $1,000 of your deposit. Also, 20% will be given as a bonus for any amount more than that.

This means if you deposit an amount of USD $22,500, your account balance will become USD $28,500. The math on this is pretty simple and you can see it in more details in this table:

Any account holder can have his own bonus! No matter if you are a new customer or have been trading with XM for years. However, as you see from the table above, the biggest bang for your buck can be achieved with actually a $1,000 worth deposit.

XM bonus limitations

That is important to mention that the bonuses are not available on the XM ultra low account, as well as on the XM shares account.

This is not a limited one-time deal offer. If a client an XM bonus deposit worth $250 four times, $125 will be added each time to the account until it reaches the $1,000. However, the maximum bonus a person can receive is $5,000. Trading bonus is there to help new and existing clients to hold their positions open for a longer period. XM forex bonus is not eligible for clients registered under trading point of financial instruments ltd and trading point of financial instruments UK ltd.

XM trading bonus withdrawal policies

Even though getting a deposit bonus is easy with that broker, the withdrawal procedure is not that primitive. And is rather targeted to make traders leave the funds on their accounts.

Therefore, when you are trying to withdraw funds from your XM bonus account, the broker will charge you with the amount of the bonus that will be proportional to the amount of the funds for withdrawal. Just to illustrate: imagine you deposited $1,000 and you were given $500 as a bonus (50%). Then you decided to withdraw $250 (25%) out of $1,000 available, as you still can’t withdraw the bonus. As a result, a total sum of $125 (25% of the bonus) will be removed.

But, for instance, if you have managed to generate some additional profit, then the picture will be a bit different. Imagine that you have deposited $1,000, received a $500 worth XM deposit bonus, and things turned out to be great for you. And you gained a profit of $2,000 from trading. Now you have $3,000 available to withdraw and you want to take them all out of the account. In that case, $500 of the bonus will be removed just because that will equal 100%. Maybe the table will help you to understand that easier:

Another XM bonus program

XM forex broker is constantly coming up with innovative bonus programs that will ensure that traders will stay loyal and interested. Thus, augmented XM points service was recently launched as an added bonus one may use while trading on the platform. You can subscribe and unsubscribe to that any time you want without any restrictions.

XMP has a status of reward for the loyal customer. Thus, as you trade, you received those bonus points that might be later transferred to the monetary bonus. That can be calculated in the following way:

However, in order to received XMP in the first place, you need to create an account and sign up for the loyalty program. There are several you may choose from XM executive, XM gold, XM diamond, XM elite.

If you are the part of the executive loyalty program, then you will receive 10XMP per lot straight away. If you are the gold loyalty program’s member, then you will receive 13XMP per lot after at least 30 days of trading. If you are a member of diamond loyalty program, then you will be guaranteed to receive 16XMP per lots only after 60 days of trading on the platform. Finally, if you are the holder of elite loyalty program, then you will be provided with 20XMP per lot after 100 days of trading with XM broker.

So, imagine you have 10,000XMP gained and you have decided to redeem 3,000XMP. Then, according to the formula provided above, you will receive $1,000 of bonus and will still have 7,000XMP on your account to convert and withdraw later.

However, there are some details worth mentioning when it comes to withdrawal of XMP from an account. For instance, you have 3,000XMP to redeem and you have gained an additional $1,500 while trading that you are allowed to withdraw. You have decided to withdraw only the part of it, $750, which is 50% of the total sum stored on the account. That means that the same 50% will be removed from your XMP bonus, which will equal $500 (3,000XMP / 3= $1,000). Take a look at the table below to understand the process better:

XM broker account types

There are various account options available while registering with the XM broker. Thus, you can choose between micro, standard and XM ultra low one. They differ depending on the size of lots, as well as the minimum deposit rate and leverage, availability of the bonus.

  • The micro account has a leverage of 1:1 to 1:888, the spreads can be as low as 1 pip, the minimum deposit can be $5, the minimum trade volume is 0.01 lots, and there is no commission charged. However, you won’t be able to obtain an XM deposit bonus on that account.

  • The standard account has a leverage of 1:1 to 1:888, the spreads can be as low as 1 pip, the minimum trade volume is 0.01 lots, the minimum deposit is $5 as well. And you can obtain bonus using that account.

  • The XM ultra low account has a leverage of 1:1 to 1:888, the spreads can be as low as 0.6 pip, the minimum deposit should be at least $50, the minimum trade volume is 0.01 lots, and there is no commission charged. And you cannot get the bonus on that account as well.

Among the currencies available for trading there are:

  • USD

  • EUR

  • GBP

  • JPY

  • CHF

  • AUD

  • HUF

  • PLN

  • RUB


Even though we would recommend you to open an account with XM, there is one big benefit of the XM deposit bonus. It comes with a multi-account availability. When an XM bonus deposit comes to an account and then it’s transferred to another one, the bonus value will be transferred as well! The system calculates the share of the bonuses that should be transferred and makes sure you get an equal proportion on your other account. This is quite comfortable, as many brokers would simply remove your bonus if you try to move funds from one account to another.

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Risk warning: cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 78.04% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Please consider our risk disclosure.

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XM no deposit 30 USD bonus – read an honest review


Min. Volume


XM forex broker is a great place to get started for a next FX professional. This broker gives you access to XM no deposit 30 USD bonus campaign and allows you to use metatrader4 and MT5. This is one of the only brokers that makes MT4 live trading available to you without making a deposit. You should certainly try this XM no deposit bonus, as metatrader 4 is the platform you will most likely have to change to eventually and this promo campaign lets you test drive the platform without any deposits.

XM free 30 USD no deposit bonus description

Getting the 30 USD no deposit bonus on XM is pretty easy. The only thing you need, except for the wish to trade forex, is to go through XM registration, get your account, and confirm your phone number via SMS. As for the bonus, within the maximum of 24 hours (but usually in around 30 minutes), you will get the money credited to your account and you will be able to trade currencies online with XM without making a deposit.

XM free trial available platforms

When it comes to FX trading online, the choice of available trading platforms becomes quite important. Most of the traders end up on MT4 or MT5 platform and this is certainly an advantage of XM. With XM FX broker, traders using mac laptops and desktops will find a hustle way to trade since they offer native access to metatrader 4 for mac OS. Also, the MT4 web platform is also available with XM, this trading terminal could be used for windows and other operating systems too. Like most of the brokers, XM account also enables you to trade on your smartphone.

XM 30$ bonus terms and conditions

XM no deposit 30 USD bonus is unavailable for withdrawals, however, every cent from the profit is yours. You can take your time and only make relevant trades that get you great money on the XM no deposit bonus.

XM free account critics

Many traders have been complaining about this promotion and XM broker in general, this is why forex trading bonus team would strictly advise against it. You may, of course, try your luck and see how fast you can triple your initial balance, however, some traders did have their accounts removed without any prior notification.

We decided to check this bonus on our own. We have to admit, we were positively surprised by the quality of services and web platform from XM. This is why we recommend you try XM trading bonus!

How to get XM $30 no deposit bonus?

XM is a quickly growing international investment firm with over 2.5 million users and 300 professionals. The company offers a trustworthy and convenient trading environment and is one of the few brokers who will allow MT4 live trading without making any deposits. After getting their XM global login, users will be rewarded with $30 no deposit bonus that is available for trading right away. It shouldn’t take longer than a day for the funds to show up in the account.

Steps for getting the no deposit XM bonus:

Getting the bonus is fairly simple. A user only has to register on the platform and activate the account. The registration procedures are very easy to follow. On any page on XM’s website, in the top right corner, there is a green button titled “open an account”. Clicking the button will start the registration process.

The registration includes filling out a standard questionnaire. The first part of it is depicted on the screen below. In this section, the user is asked to fill out some details like name, country of residence and a phone number. A user will also get to choose an account type and trading platform type on this page.

After this information is filled out, the second part of the questionnaire will load. Here, the user is asked to provide some additional details, like the date of birth and address.

The website will also ask whether the user is a US citizen or not, as well as some additional questions to determine the purpose of the client. Once, this information is filled out, the user will set the password, agree to the terms and conditions as well as some other policies that can be viewed through the links and will click the button “open a real account”, and with that, you XM signup will be complete. Don’t stress out, your free XM bonus is almost here!

Once the questionnaire is complete, the user is very close to getting the bonus. All that is left to do is to confirm the email. The notification will be generated and the user will be asked to check the inbox of the indicated email address. Through the link provided in the email, the user will be able to confirm the transaction.

After confirming the transaction the user will finally get to log into the system using their XM members login . They will also be assigned an MT4 ID, which functions as a username when logging into the platform.

The XM no deposit bonus should show up on the account within a day after completing the registration process. The $30 no deposit bonus from XM cannot be withdrawn but can be used to trade in the system. It is a great feature to test the platform and get acquainted with it. It is an especially good feature for beginners, who might not want to risk their own funds while figuring out the basics of trading.


Receive XM NO deposit bonus of $30 USD. Start live trading with $30 FOREX NO DEPOSIT BONUS OFFER from one of the best forex brokers in the market. Enjoy live forex trading without any deposit as well as risk. Find an opportunity to begin your forex trading career with an exclusive $30 sign up bonus. Register and validate a trading account to receive the $30 non-deposit bonus and test the products and services offered by XM group by starting to trade with no initial deposit. Receive an initial trading capital through the procedure below and start your live trading journey. We suggest you find some time to look at the terms and conditions before applying for this XM non-deposit bonus.

Clients registered under trading point of financial instruments and trading point of financial instruments UK ltdare not eligible for the bonus. Please note that this offer might not available for the traders of some regions or countries .


Ending date: there is no initial deadline

Offer is applicable: new trader

How to apply:

  • Open a new live account

  • Verify mobile no. From the client’s area

  • Get $30 non-deposit trading bonus

Bonus cash out:

  • Any profits generated from the trading of the non-deposit bonus are available for withdrawal.

  • Any withdrawal of funds will cause the proportional removal of the trading bonus.

Terms & conditions – XM NO DEPOSIT BONUS TERMS

The bonus might not be applicable to the traders of some countries.

We strongly suggest you to ask their live support if it is available to your country/region before you apply for this XM NO deposit bonus.

XM holds the right to offer NO deposit bonus only to the clients from appropriate countries and region.

A client has to be 18 years otherwise under the legal age in their country of residence, in order to apply for this bonus

IF IP address matches between to participant of the bonus account then the latest participant may disqualify from the bonus program

This promotion may not be combined with some promotions released from time to time.

To receive the bonus, each eligible client needs to verify his/her phone no. Through the dedicated area of the client’s profile

Bonus can’t be applied to existing clients

Each eligible client is permitted to hold only ONE “no deposit bonus” account per ONE unique IP. More than one registration using the same IP is strictly prohibited; even multiple accounts using the same details is not allowed.

A client may use expert advisors or other automated trading tools, but any signals, scalping, arbitrage techniques, and news trading is not allowed. Also, proxies trading is prohibited.

All trading- instruments found in the trading terminal can be used for trading.

All orders placed at the non-market rate will be canceled.

It may take up to 24 business hours for an eligible client before any bonus credited to account.

XM holds the right, at its sole discretion, amend or terminate the NO deposit bonus any time. Or to decline or disqualify any client from the bonus program.

A client can cancel the bonus at any time by sending a request at [email protected]

NO affiliate commission is paid for trading with non-deposit bonus fund

In addition, get daily forex-signals free after passing the verification.


XM is one of the best forex brokers in the world and now they even offer an XM 30$ bonus for all new clients. Can you believe that? Now, you may be wondering how come XM gives you this promotion or what their conditions are. This article today will answer all your questions so that you can really understand this trading bonus.

What type of bonus is XM 30$ bonus?

Normally, there are three types of forex bonuses. They are welcome bonus, deposit bonus, and lot back bonus.

Welcome bonus, just like its name, is a bonus brokers give traders as a “thank you” for their registration at them. Traders usually use this bonus as a means to test the broker to see if they want to work for long term with this broker.

Deposit bonus is a sum of money offered to traders when they first make a deposit. The amount of this bonus is decided based on the total deposit the traders make. This is a way to encourage traders to deposit more in the first time.

Finally, lot back bonus is like a loyalty program. The procedure can be put simply as when you finish one trade, a rebate will be given to your account automatically from the broker. The more you trade, the more you get rebated. This bonus program encourages traders to trade more with that broker.

The XM 30$ bonus is a welcome bonus. Whenever there is a new client on the platform, XM will reward this new register with $30 for trading. This bonus is for first time sign-up only. Welcome bonus is actually very good for forex beginners. You’re new to forex, so you’re advised to not deposit too much at first, because more than 90% of new traders lose everything at the beginning. So with this extra $30, you have more than enough money to try trading forex. You can check the execution quality, the platform, the speed, spread and commission, the slippages, swaps, or requotes of XM without losing any of your own money. What a good deal for a beginner.

A quick notice: you must claim this bonus in 30 days since you open an account or the bonus will be unavailable.

Conditions for withdrawal

When you finish making money with this XM 30$ bonus, you will want to withdraw your profit, right? This is when the tricky part appears. Just like all other types of bonus and broker, the withdrawal conditions of this bonus is quite complicated. I will try to make it the most simple as possible.

The profit you make from this bonus can be withdrawn anytime. However, everytime you withdraw your funds, the amount of this bonus will be reduced 40%. Also, you have to withdraw at least 40% of your funds. For example, you make $200 from this XM 30$ bonus. Therefore, when you withdraw, you have to take at least $80 (40% of $200). Then, the amount of the bonus will be reduced $12 (40% of $30). So you have withdrawn, for instance, $80, and you have a total of $138 left in your account ($120 profit + $18 bonus).

How to get this XM 30$ bonus

You can easily acquire this bonus simply by following these steps:

  1. Open a real account at XM.

  2. Log in to your member area.

  3. Validate your account.

  4. There will be a button saying “claim your bonus” on the screen.

  5. Complete the SMS verification by following the instructions there.

Now what are you waiting for? Claim your XM 30$ bonus here.

Why should you get this bonus?

$30 is not much for trading. However, when you convert it to pip, it's 0.3 pip. So when you look at it the other way, this bonus is a great way to reduce your trading cost when you trade with XM. The normal XM spread is about 1 to 1.2 pips. With the 0.3-pip discount, you have cut your trading cost down to 0.7 - 0.9 pip, which is among the lowest spread in the market. So you can see that this bonus is not meant for trading. It is for cost reduction.

Other XM bonus programs

Right now, XM is having very good bonus programs that are super beneficial to traders:

  • XM 15% welcome bonus: this is a welcome bonus program that reward you 15% of your first deposit. The maximum amount you can get rewarded is up to $500. More details here.

  • XM loyalty program: as you trade, you will earn XM points which can be redeemed at any time for credit bonus rewards in the members area. In the members area you can also monitor your balance of XMP at any time, including the equivalent value of your XM points as credit bonus. The bonus adds funds to your trading account but it is intended for trading purposes only. The amount of bonus is a third of your total XM points. More details here.

Those 2 programs are just as good as the XM 30$ bonus program. You can obviously see that trading at XM can be very cheap thanks to all those bonus programs.

Mario draghi

Hey, I’m mario draghi. I’m a writer currently resided in thailand. For my forex experience, I have been working with brokers and trading for 5 years. Hope that you'll enjoy my articles about all forex-related matters.

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South asian airlines are about to launch blockhain payment

XM $30 no deposit bonus

The internationally known XM broker, regulated by cysec, ASIC and IFSC, offers a great вђњ$30 non-deposit bonusвђќ to all its first-time clients after opening a real trading account. The eager traders should seize this opportunity to get to know the XM broker and its offered products!

All the new clients of XM are required to open a real trading account with the company to receive the $30 bonus (the equivalent of 25 EUR, 20 GBP, 25 CHF, etc.). As soon as the account registration is finalized, the clients have a 30-day window to claim the bonus which will then be transferred to their trading accounts within 24 hours. The clients are not obligated to make a deposit for this bonus.

The traders are not allowed to withdraw the bonus itself; however, they can withdraw the earned profits. Please note that any withdrawal request will be subject to a proportional deduction of the bonus amount.

For example, say you make a $120 profit with the bonus and decide to withdraw 50% of it ($60), which means 50% of the granted bonus ($15) will also be reduced from your account.

How to get the XM $30 no deposit bonus:
join the XM broker by opening a real trading account. To do this, go to your personal cabinet, provide the necessary documents, claim the $30 bonus, confirm the SMS code as instructed, and voila! The bonus is yours to trade and make a profit.

Certain conditions:
$30 non-deposit bonus is only available for new clients and only for XM micro and XM standard account.
This bonus is offered once per client.
The internal transfer of the bonus amount is prohibited.
Intermediaries and related parties are not allowed to participate in this promotional activity.
Trading bonus are not eligible for clients registered under trading point of financial instruments ltd.

All you need to know about the XM bonus

XM is a well known forex & CFD online broker. They’ve also won many awards for their trading services, plus they’re regulated by ASIC, cysec and the IFSC.

However another key feature of the broker that we’d like to mention is the XM trading bonus.

But how much is this bonus and how can you claim it?

To find the answers, keep reading to learn all you need to know about the XM trading bonus process.

*your capital might be at risk

How much is the XM trading bonus?

The XM trading bonus is worth 30 USD, and it’s available to new traders who have recently opened an account.

Best of all there’s no deposit required. You can get the bonus just by opening an XM account.

You’ll only need to deposit funds to your account when you’re ready to start live trading.

Once you’ve finished the account opening steps, the $30 will be credited automatically to your trading account.

The money should normally be showing within 30 minutes, but sometimes it can take up to 24 hours max.

*your capital might be at risk

XM trading bonus key points:

  • No deposit is required

  • The $30 bonus is credited directly to your account

  • Only available to NEW users“it is not available for clients registered under the EU
    regulated entity of the group (ESMA regulations)”.

XM bonus terms and conditions

You should know that the $30 XM bonus is not available for withdrawals.

This is to prevent people from opening an account and withdrawing the money without making any trades.

Instead the $30 is to be put towards forex & CFD trades. However, the good thing is that you can keep any profits made from those orders.

That’s why we’d recommend that you take your time and not rush to make trades. That way you’re more likely to place worthwhile trades that could make a profit.

By making a profit from your trades, you’ll make the most out of the XM deposit bonus.

We should also mention that although it’s rare, the broker can withdraw their promotion offer at anytime if they think it’s being misused.

*your capital might be at risk

XM forex account types

As you know, you’ll need to open an XM account in order to claim the bonus. But you’ll need to select which trading account type you want to have.

Currently XM has 3 trading accounts available:

  • Micro account – minimum deposit $5

  • Standard account – minimum deposit $5

  • XM zero account – minimum deposit $100

For new traders, the most popular accounts are the micro and standard accounts as they have an incredibly low minimum deposit of just $5! They 2 account also offer commission free trading & competitive forex spreads from 1 pip.

The main difference between the micro & standard accounts is the lot size. For example, the contract lot size for the micro account is 1,000 for 1 lot, and the standard account contract size is 100,000 for 1 lot.

The XM zero account is aimed at more experienced traders, and comes with a higher minimum deposit of $100.

It offers extremely low spreads on all major forex pairs starting from 0 pips, but a commission is charged on trades.

However, all accounts offer access to the XM MT4 & MT5 trading platforms, so you just need to consider which one suits your needs the best.

*your capital might be at risk

How to claim the XM bonus

To claim the XM bonus you’ll need to sign up for one of XM’s 3 trading accounts.

The sign up process takes about 10 minutes and can be done completely online.

As part of the sign up process you’ll need to provide some personal info such as name, address and contact details. The broker will also ask you questions on your previous trading experience and financial situation.

XM will also need to verify your identity. This must be done so that the broker can meet regulation requirements on security.

Make sure that you have the following 2 documents to hand:

  • 1 proof of address: a document showing your latest address- a utility bill/ bank statement

  • 1 proof of identity: a photographic ID- so driving licence, passport or government ID

The identity documents can be photographed with a smartphone or scanned then uploaded directly to the broker. Just follow the steps as shown on the screen.

After this the account set up steps are finished!

If you need assistance at anytime the XM customer support team is available 25/7 to help.

When your account is ready to open, the $30 bonus money should be showing in your account within 24 hours.

*your capital might be at risk

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Author of this article and founder of tradingonlineguide.Com

My aim is to help you increase your trading knowledge with helpful content. I come from an economic background and have a strong passion for forex trading. With more than 6 years in the online trading world, I want to share my financial knowledge so that anyone can develop their investment skills.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking and travelling.

Here you can learn more about our review methodology.

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Keep in touch

Trading forex involves some risks of partial or full funds loss. This fact should be taken into consideration by any trader who is planing to make profits by fx trading.

Although there is risk when trading forex, it is recommended that traders choose a proper money management strategy.

For more information please read our T&C, and don't hesitate to contact us.

Trading forex involves some risks of partial or full funds loss. This fact should be taken into consideration by any trader who is planing to make profits by fx trading.

Although there is risk when trading forex, it is recommended that traders choose a proper

Money management strategy.

For more information please read our T&C, and don't hesitate to contact us.

So, let's see, what we have: ouvrez un compte de trading XM dès à présent et commencez à trader avec un bonus de trading pour tester sans risque la politique de XM d'aucun rejet et aucune re-cotation. C'est une offre à durée limitée. At xmbonus

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