Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

Forex trading changed my life

Probably, you’ve noticed that before I was launching a new course, every new month, but now I upload a new course in a couple of months.

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Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

Having the courses I met thousands of students and this way forex changed my life in a great direction. And this is like costs for me, which I don’t want to give from my trading. I want to have an income that I invest back in the academy. And it’s worked excellent for me because my trading is my trading. My team’s trading is their trading, and at the same time, we succeed to teach thousands of people how to trade.

Forex changed my life: travel while the eas trade

Forex changed my life, but I don’t trade more, I travel

Hello, everyone, it’s petko aleksandrov, and today I will tell you briefly how great I feel with the EA forex academy and how forex changed my life, and how useful it turned out to be to change my trading from manual to algorithmic.

Today, I am in sozopol, one of the most beautiful places on the seaside in bulgaria.

fore changed my life to travel

It’s early in the morning. I had great swimming in that pool behind me:

forex trading academy pool

The seaside is very near, which I will go to a later on today and I will record some videos from there. And recently, I do travel a lot.

Probably, you’ve noticed that before I was launching a new course, every new month, but now I upload a new course in a couple of months. Having the courses I met thousands of students and this way forex changed my life in a great direction.

We update the courses and we will improve the eas that are attached

First, this is because I update the old courses and the second is because I travel a lot. And exactly trading with expert advisors allows me to travel a lot because I don’t need to stay in front of the charts. I don’t need to follow the markets, the expert advisors, they are trading at home, in the office.

And that is the difference when I do manual trading. I don’t need to be in front of the screen all the time. I don’t need to follow the markets, to do price action, and be engaged in staying in front of the monitor.

forex changed my life

Trading monitors

With algorithmic trading. I travel, I do different things. I work on different projects, and I can afford to have free time to do whatever I want. And that’s the considerable difference between algorithmic trading and manual trading, and especially with EA studio and FSB pro,

Eas and the forex changed my life because now I have the freedom to create so many expert advisors and to be able to manage them from distance like what I’m doing now, I just access them via the VPS from my computer, and things happen much more comfortably.

And probably, many of you would ask me why I keep recording videos, why I’m in a great swimming pool, there is the beach out there, and I am still recording videos and writing blog posts?

When forex changed my life I realized I need algo trading when trading manually

Well, it all started many years ago before even the academy.
The first time I started shooting videos was because I was doing manual trading and I had one very successful month. In one of the broker’s account, I did 200% of a profit in my real account. They even wrote an article about me. You can use google translate to read it because it is in bulgarian.

Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

In the next month, I was pretty satisfied with the results, and I didn’t trade a lot. And I had like 6 or 7, 6 or 7% for the month. And I realized at that moment that when I was doing manual trading, I was almost working on a full-time job.

If I was trading, I was making a profit, but if I was not trading, I was not making a profit.

And I felt like I was working for someone even I wasn’t. But it’s like I was working from 9:00 to 20:00 in the evening. And if I am not there in front of the computer, I will not have the profits at the end of the month. At this moment forex changed my life but now what I wanted.

And I felt like I’m working a full-time job, something I wanted to avoid
years back. And I wanted to have some additional income from something.

The only thing I knew was trading.

And I wanted something to compensate for the time when I’m not in front of the computer. So I started recording videos, and it turned out that people like them on social media, on youtube.

And I grouped them into courses. So this is how all it started. And when I’m doing one on one education with many traders, they often ask me, why are you doing the courses, the trading academy, since you are doing good trading?

And that’s the reason. This is how I started. When I’m having the forex academy, the courses and when we are selling the software, basically this way I got additional income, which is not related
actually to my trading.

And this is how I afford it, to have my team, to pay the people from the team that I already have in the last 2-3 years. And without them, I wouldn’t be able to do that.

The academy has improved the quality of videos

And I can assure you actually, that everything we got from the academy, like the courses, the software, the packages,
just everything that we sell, all the income, every single dollar, I invested back in the trading academy:

  • Better videos

  • Professional cameras

  • Microphone for outside videos

  • Better editing and quality

And this is like costs for me, which I don’t want to give from my trading. I want to have an income that I invest back in the academy. And it’s worked excellent for me because my trading is my trading. My team’s trading is their trading, and at the same time, we succeed to teach thousands of people how to trade.

We work on the academy every day, and we are growing at, and we build it like really, really quick for the last 2-3 years. We have over 22 000 students by the moment – july 2020 and this way the forex changed my life in a fantastic way.

And it’s a great feeling. And this is why I keep recording videos. Even now, when I’m outside and when I’m traveling, I want to share my knowledge with others.

And it all started like one by one. I was recording videos. Then it turned out that we need to have a video editor. It turned out that we need to have someone to do the captions for the trading courses. Then it turned out that we need to have people to translate the videos and so on.

The team works hard to give the ebst education to the traders

So it was like one by one, one by one. And so we have built the forex academy.

forex academy team

But again, I go back to the point it, because we trade with expert advisors.
I have so much free time. And this is like really cool with the expert advisors that I can travel!

And of course, it took me some time to come to this point, but this was my goal from the beginning. I can say that I have achieved that one.
And it’s incredible to be doing something else while you are trading.

So I will keep recording videos and writing articles from different places that I visit. And I have a lot of ideas about the videos and topics that I want to cover.

But if you have something in mind, something that I didn’t succeed to cover in my courses, if you just want me to talk about trading in general or to explain anything you want to know, please let me know in the comment below.

I will talk about it if I decide that it will be useful for many people.
Thank you for reading.

My FX notes

Notes on finance, trading, analysis and forex

How forex trading changed my life

The forex market has the easiest access condition. If you have a computer and a stable internet connection, you can easily enter into the forex world. But, to be a successful trader you need to gain some quality. And these qualities can change your life like they changed mine.

forex trading.jpg

How forex trading changed my life

  • Got chance to know myself – after entering the forex market I realized that to survive the competition of the forex world, I must know about myself. I got lessons about how am I while interacting with people, how I can handle any tough situation, etc. All of this helped with trading, as well as my daily life.

  • I became disciplined – after some unsuccessful trade, I understood the necessity of discipline. So, I made a trading plan and a schedule and started to strictly follow it. I stopped wasting my time. You won’t believe, it worked. Then I decided to follow a routine in my daily life also. And it helped me to get better in my daily life.

  • It taught me patience – to become successful in forex trading, as well as in the daily life I had to be patient. I realized the importance of being patient in my life after joining the forex world. I passed some crucial times when I didn’t see any profit continuously in several trades. But I didn’t lose hope. I didn’t give up. Rather I tried harder. I learned to avoid mistakes. And after sometimes it became a habit. Now I know how much of my life improved because of this habit.

  • I learned to have plans – to securing my existence into the forex market I had to create a trading plan. As they worked in my trading, I started to do the same in my daily life’s work. Then I have noticed how a pre-planned move turns your life easy. So, I never stopped them. Even now I try to do every little thing with a plan. Maybe it’s an easy job but a plan can make it easier.

  • It gave me financial freedom – one of my life’s goals was making good money so that I can live better with my family. And that’s how the forex market changed my life, most appropriately by increasing my current income. Forex trading didn’t get me rich, but it’s a firm way of making a financial earning with independence and flexibility.

My helpline

I didn’t change my life by myself. I got help. And my helping hand was the forex magazine. Their goal is to take the levels of execution and honesty of the money trading business sector to a more significant level. To accomplish this goal, they do research and discover first-class specialist organizations for your better understanding and more suitable practice. For any kind of information, news, questions, and suggestions I used to contact them through their official site or via email. They helped me a lot.


Forex market is such a sector; it can easily change anyone’s life, as it changed mine. With not only financial help, but it also helps you to be a great person by teaching some great qualities. Try to grab those qualities as soon as possible to change yours. Stay safe and sound.

How forex trading changed the life of A single mom

The most common life events that lead to single parenthood—death, divorce, etc.—upset more than just your marital status. No-one plan on being a single mom when they got married. I also bet you didn’t plan to raise your kids by yourself without a man until they became young adults either. But sometimes, our plans do not work before god’s wish. A single mom’s parenting duties are no different than they are for a married one — except that you’re on your own. All of a sudden, all the responsibilities are loaded on one person’s shoulders.

mother with baby

On december, 2017, I lost my husband in a car accident and suddenly I became a single mother of 2 kids. They were 5 and 8 years old at that time. My life collapsed and I started to worry about my 2 kids. I asked for help to our relatives but none of them came forward in those tough days.

When I understood that society won’t help me, I started to lose my trust in humanity. I realized the importance of money. It was not only about my life , I have 2 very young kids who need proper education and better life.

I worked as a waiter in a restaurant for 2-3 month. Their salary was very poor. I could barely take care of my kids with that money. Besides, as I was working extra hours for money, I was feeling insecure and worried about my kids all the time. Soon I realized that I can’t leave my home and I need to find some work that I can do from my home. I tried to find some source to make money. But to make money, I fall for get-rich-quick schemes which cost me a lot.Then I decided to do some research before I make any decision. I googled different work ideas and found about forex trading one day. I saw many traders are living the livelihood from forex. That day I saw a ray of hope.

There were several factors I analyzed before I chose forex:

One of the main reasons for choosing forex was that I can trade from anywhere in the world. To trade in forex market, I only need two things- a broker and a trading platform.

I opened a trading account with my broker from website within 5 minutes and downloaded trading app metatrader4 on my mobile. I can do all trading related tasks via mobile from monitoring the market to placing and closing orders without leaving my house.

The challenges I faced:

When I started forex trading I was a newbie and I hardly knew someone who would help me to trade in the market. I started with $200 with the help of a so called trader whom I found on instagram. He used to post his fancy lifestyle by showing his expensive lambo, watch and macbooks. Every week he used to go to different places around the world. He was literally living everyone’s dream life. He told everyone that anyone can earn $1000-$2000 every week if they follow his signals. Even though he charged $70 for a month, I thought he could change my life. So $70 was worth it. After I gave him the money, he blocked me from everywhere. Later I found out, he was a scammer who did the same with many others.

After this horrific experience, I started to trade my own. I started to read books, articles and watched video libraries. I tried to gather as much knowledge as I can. Even though I was careful, I was losing my capital. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I tried to get help in different forex community but all of them were asking huge amounts and I was not ready to be scammed again.

My first trading profit:

After 3 months of continuous trying, I was losing hope on forex. I started to worry about my kids’ future. Suddenly one day, one of friends met me. When he got to know about my situation, he suggested some good signal providers. He told me to try them in a demo account. I followed his instruction and traded with free signals on my demo account.

Some of the signal providers I followed were:

  1. Fxproera

  2. Priceaction forex ltd

  3. We traders

  4. Currencykings

After 1 month I invested my real money. I earned my first profit with the signals of priceaction forex ltd. I contacted their trade team and explained my situation. Since then, they are giving me the best trading support. Currently, I am earning almost $1800 per week.

When people hear that I am a single parent it’s like in their minds you cannot be successful. They have decided that because you’re a single parent, you must be struggling.

Needless to say as a single mother, my life was very hard. Even though I didn’t get the support I need, I promised to give a better life to my kids. And with forex trading, I now can take care of my family. I am even starting my own business.

If someone asked me “what is your future” 1 year back, I couldn’t answer them. But now I know what I want to do in my life. Forex not only changed my life but many others around the world who have financial crises.

My FX notes

Notes on finance, trading, analysis and forex

How forex trading changed my life

The forex market has the easiest access condition. If you have a computer and a stable internet connection, you can easily enter into the forex world. But, to be a successful trader you need to gain some quality. And these qualities can change your life like they changed mine.

forex trading.jpg

How forex trading changed my life

  • Got chance to know myself – after entering the forex market I realized that to survive the competition of the forex world, I must know about myself. I got lessons about how am I while interacting with people, how I can handle any tough situation, etc. All of this helped with trading, as well as my daily life.

  • I became disciplined – after some unsuccessful trade, I understood the necessity of discipline. So, I made a trading plan and a schedule and started to strictly follow it. I stopped wasting my time. You won’t believe, it worked. Then I decided to follow a routine in my daily life also. And it helped me to get better in my daily life.

  • It taught me patience – to become successful in forex trading, as well as in the daily life I had to be patient. I realized the importance of being patient in my life after joining the forex world. I passed some crucial times when I didn’t see any profit continuously in several trades. But I didn’t lose hope. I didn’t give up. Rather I tried harder. I learned to avoid mistakes. And after sometimes it became a habit. Now I know how much of my life improved because of this habit.

  • I learned to have plans – to securing my existence into the forex market I had to create a trading plan. As they worked in my trading, I started to do the same in my daily life’s work. Then I have noticed how a pre-planned move turns your life easy. So, I never stopped them. Even now I try to do every little thing with a plan. Maybe it’s an easy job but a plan can make it easier.

  • It gave me financial freedom – one of my life’s goals was making good money so that I can live better with my family. And that’s how the forex market changed my life, most appropriately by increasing my current income. Forex trading didn’t get me rich, but it’s a firm way of making a financial earning with independence and flexibility.

My helpline

I didn’t change my life by myself. I got help. And my helping hand was the forex magazine. Their goal is to take the levels of execution and honesty of the money trading business sector to a more significant level. To accomplish this goal, they do research and discover first-class specialist organizations for your better understanding and more suitable practice. For any kind of information, news, questions, and suggestions I used to contact them through their official site or via email. They helped me a lot.


Forex market is such a sector; it can easily change anyone’s life, as it changed mine. With not only financial help, but it also helps you to be a great person by teaching some great qualities. Try to grab those qualities as soon as possible to change yours. Stay safe and sound.

Andrew mitchem talks about how trading forex changed his life

In this video:

00:30 going to talk as a guest speaker – 27 th of november
01:01 A more advanced trading webinar in december
01:13 fantastic trades on the daily charts
01:17 looking for retracements
01:40 japanese yen weakness continue throughout this week
01:49 gold and silver continue to rise
02:24 trading is about consistency

Hi everybody andrew mitchem here, the forex trading coach.

Today is friday, the 23 rd of november.

Another stunning day so I’m outside again!

Well, next tuesday I’m going to talk – that’s tuesday, the 27 th of november – I’m at auckland as a guest speaker for broker this coming to launch into new zealand.

Forex has changed my life

I’m going to be talking about my story and how forex has changed my life: how I started nine years ago as a dairy farmer and now developed into a full time forex trader. Because that seminar is being held at auckland, obviously a lot of people won’t be able to attend so I’m going to make that same seminar into a webinar, as a presentation. That’s going to be held in a few weeks time and you will be able to attend that presentation – LIVE!

For those of you who are more advanced traders, more experienced traders I’m also going to be holding in december, a more advanced trader’s webinar. I’m going to share a lot of the tips and techniques that I employ in my trading on a daily basis.

Fantastic trades especially on the daily charts

This week, I’ve had some fantastic trades especially on the daily charts. There are a lot of trades that have retraced very nicely on the daily chart using the techniques that I suggest my clients to use.

So I’m not always looking at entering at the market. Quiet often I’m looking for retracements first. For example on a buy trade – I’m looking for a retracement further down before the trade then reverses and takes off in my desired direction.

As I mentioned last week, the japanese yen weakness – that did continue throughout this week! There’s been a lot of weakness on the yen – possibly could continue into next week.

Buy trade on both gold and silver

Gold and silver have also continued to rise this week.

Two weeks ago I took a buy trade on both gold and silver. A long trade on both – they retraced last week. They were negative last week but then this week have turned around and gone on to hit full profit as expected.

Don’t overtrade!

Another thing just to mention is – “don’t over trade”. This week there has been a public holiday in the US and also in japan which is meant there’s not being too many really good setups on the charts this week.

You know there are no prizes for trading more. Trading is all about consistency – picking good setups and taking them when you see them. But you definitely do not need to take too many trades just for the sake of trading.

All that’s going to do is feed your broker’s pocket and take it from yours which is of course – we don’t want!

Looking forward to talking to you this time next week.

My trading journey: full-time forex trading

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In this article, I will give you a brief overview of my trading journey and where I am today as a result. Before we get started, I just want to get “real” with you for a minute by telling you that trading is not a “get rich quick” scheme nor is there any “magic bullet” or “holy-grail” trading system out there. Like you, I was attracted to trading because of the financial freedom it can bring you, as well as other forms of freedom; freedom from bosses, from mundane routines and the “9-5” drone culture of going to “work” everyday.

However, what most people (including myself) don’t realize in the beginning of their trading careers, is that trading success is something that takes a different amount of time for every trader…but it most certainly IS attainable. In my experience from working with thousands of traders, most traders have an unrealistic expectation of being able to quit their jobs after just a month or two or three of trading their relatively small trading account. This is not how it works, unfortunately. I spent about 3 years struggling, looking for that “holy-grail” and experiencing huge account ups and downs before I finally realized two critical things: 1) I was trying way too hard via trading too much, thinking too much and analyzing too much, and 2) I was making trading way more complicated than it need to be. I eventually realized after much trial and error that I just needed to be a minimalistic trader.

The beginning

In my first 3 years of forex trading, I was an extremely motivated market student, undergoing intense forex training and study as I could fit into my life. My focus was to learn as many trading strategies as possible, with the common goal to make money and quit my job. Like most traders, my early forex trading account statements where poor, in fact, I blew up many small accounts whilst learning the do’s and dont’s. The tables only turned when I discovered an extremely simple methodology to identify trade setups on a “raw” and stripped-down price chart, that methodology was price action trading.

When my forex trading changed

My success in forex trading started when I finally started to recognize the repetitive behavior of the daily forex price charts. There was a transition period in my forex trading career when I started to move from the 1 hour charts to the 4 hour charts and then finally to the daily charts. I couldn’t believe I had been overlooking the higher time frames in forex for so long, and yet they offered some very clear and simple trading setups which repeated often enough to recognize easily.

After watching just the daily charts for several months, I began documenting the price action trading patterns and my observations. What started as an exercise of making daily market commentaries soon became my trading method and plan. Everything was now revolving around the higher time frames which made the chart clear and clean. Things in that initial trading plan included, basic trend identification, plotting key levels, and finding single and multiple bar price signals. Over time, I found that the largest players in the market where also using horizontal lines to trade from very often, in fact, it was when I also started to trade based off simple horizontal levels that my account started to soar.

Keeping it simple

Whilst there is no way a trader can trade just horizontal levels or just trade one price action signal and make money, the core foundation of my success lies in analyzing how markets react around key chart levels and trading specific price action signals that form near them. I can certainly deduce that all traders who make serious money think in a very simple manner, me included. The daily chart allowed me to live a healthy life, with less stress, thus increasing my trading performance as well. So the message is very clear: continue to keep it simple, and keep using the same method, don’t deviate to another method, just keep mastering it and believing in it. That’s how I did it.

Why price action?

Price action removed all the noise and mess of the charts. I now look at raw price charts with only 1 or 2 longer term moving averages to assist with trend definition. The entire method is based around simple, concise trading guidelines. I learned that markets rotate very often, and rarely move in one direction for very long, thus I have learned to work within the structure of those market dynamics. I let trades come to me as I wait in ambush for the perfect setup. Price action trading is not only your ability to read a chart, it’s also your ability to maintain a simplistic outlook on price and its expected direction. Patience is required, but in the end, anything worth doing requires patience, and trading is no different.

Where I am today

The journey for most traders is typically a long one filled with a lot of trial and error. However, there is a serious argument to what can and can’t work in terms of a trading style. You need to learn to “read price action”, not just learn a rigid trading system that doesn’t teach you anything about the market’s dynamics. The trick is to keep it simple by learning to read the raw price action of the market and not trading too frequently. Now that I am doing well in my trading endeavors, it is my duty to educate aspiring traders, to guide and assist them. I feel that if you just start to clean up your charts, remove the indicators, and look at the raw daily price action, you’re going to discover a trading perspective that you never knew existed. To learn more about how to develop this trading perspective and tading with simple yet highly effective price action trading strategies, checkout my price action trading course for more information.

Forex trading changed my life

Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.
Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.
Forex changed my life: Travel While the EAs Trade, forex trading changed my life.

Good day to you
I'm tolu a developer and a forex trader
few year ago before starting app development or forex trading, I have tried different means of making money online but it's either the work load was too much for a small pay or in worst cases I got scammed.
But 2yrs ago I got introduced to forex trading by a close friend of mine. By then people barely knew it and had this mentality that if you invest in forex trading you'll loose all your money. But despite all that I still dived into it and trust me I never regretted I did.
I'm sure you might've also been in my shoes but you want your story to change. Why not drop your email address or whatsapp number so I can contact you.

Ignorance is truly a problem

To burst your bubble no one is meeting anyone it's done online
I can show you my course on fiver.
Next time when you want to say anything be sure to avoid embarrassment. Thanks

Happy sunday and have a great day!

Ignorance is truly a problem

To burst your bubble no one is meeting anyone it's done online
I can show you my course on fiver.
Next time when you want to say anything be sure to avoid embarrassment. Thanks

Happy sunday and have a great day!

Guy, I don't mean to demarket u but fact be told,many of u are bad people out there and I can't count how many times I have been duped on this platform.
In fact, one of u duped me lately just last week so am talking from experience. Sorry if u are real but don't derail if truly u are what u claimed to be.

Guy, I don't mean to demarket u but fact be told,many of u are bad people out there and I can't count how many times I have been duped on this platform.
In fact, one of u duped me lately just last week so am talking from experience. Sorry if u are real but don't derail if truly u are what u claimed to be.

good day to you
I'm tolu a developer and a forex trader
few year ago before starting app development or forex trading, I have tried different means of making money online but it's either the work load was too much for a small pay or in worst cases I got scammed.
But 2yrs ago I got introduced to forex trading by a close friend of mine. By then people barely knew it and had this mentality that if you invest in forex trading you'll loose all your money. But despite all that I still dived into it and trust me I never regretted I did.
I'm sure you might've also been in my shoes but you want your story to change. Why not drop your email address or whatsapp number so I can contact you.

good day to you
I'm tolu a developer and a forex trader
few year ago before starting app development or forex trading, I have tried different means of making money online but it's either the work load was too much for a small pay or in worst cases I got scammed.
But 2yrs ago I got introduced to forex trading by a close friend of mine. By then people barely knew it and had this mentality that if you invest in forex trading you'll loose all your money. But despite all that I still dived into it and trust me I never regretted I did.
I'm sure you might've also been in my shoes but you want your story to change. Why not drop your email address or whatsapp number so I can contact you.

good day to you
I'm tolu a developer and a forex trader
few year ago before starting app development or forex trading, I have tried different means of making money online but it's either the work load was too much for a small pay or in worst cases I got scammed.
But 2yrs ago I got introduced to forex trading by a close friend of mine. By then people barely knew it and had this mentality that if you invest in forex trading you'll loose all your money. But despite all that I still dived into it and trust me I never regretted I did.
I'm sure you might've also been in my shoes but you want your story to change. Why not drop your email address or whatsapp number so I can contact you.



Honestly, I was surprised how every single thing here has a reason behind it - from the entries to the risk management - which helped remove all the guesswork.

I joined in sept 19 and within only 4 months I went from doing the break-even dance to becoming consistent and funded.

Guerrilla allowed me to leave my retail job and achieve my dream of becoming a full-time trader! If it’s consistency, great results and a supportive community you’re after, guerrilla trading is the place for you.

First three words that pop to my mind, confidence - community - education my confidence in the forex market has drastically improved, whether it be execution of positions, analysis or during a drawdown. The team have created a strategy that is ’simple but not easy’ this is all supported by exceptional educational videos, posts, recap videos and forecasting.

The community is what separates this educational system from the rest, especially with the interactive backtesting which is highly supported by all team members and students. This strategy and community have allowed me to really enjoy trading again and the process of becoming a better trader each week. Wish I joined sooner!

I joined guerrilla trading in sept 2019. It’s the best decision I have possibly ever made in my trading journey. The strategy incredible clear and provides so much opportunities.

The community is like no other out there so aspiring and driven to help each other. Everything from the education, weekly content to interactive backtesting is simply out of this world.

Guerrilla has given me a newfound confidence and mindset, not just in trading; but all parts of my life.

When it comes to forex success via trading courses, platforms, forums et cetera there is a myriad of mentors that talk a good game, but guerrilla trading (founder. Joshua bunker et el) help you make it happen. They have armed me with a strategy that is clear, clean and void of market bias. To this end, my trading confidence has grown and now yields circa double figures on a monthly basis. The guerrilla community is a collection of individuals who exemplify authenticity on a daily basis – vulnerability, transparency and integrity are key!

Simply the best forex education out there!

It can be hard to find trustworthy education within this industry nowadays, but with guerrilla what you see if what you get, great education taught by a very well experienced trader!

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With content covering every aspect of FX trading, you can rest assure that with guerrilla you are in the right place!

I can honestly say, guerrilla trading has changed my life. From the overwhelming support and engagement within the community, weekly forecasts and twice weekly recaps paired with the transparency of joshua bunker, I've been able to propel my trading in an incredible way.

Also without the constant help and guidance from dave jason as part of my 121 mentoring, none of this would be possible. Within 6 months of be starting my trading journey, I have secured a six figure investment capital and have now made trading my full-time career. If you are looking to change your life for the better, then look no further!

4 years ago I came to the world of trading, since that time I learned some of strategies but enter to guerrilla trading was absolutely life changing. Now I know that it's just a matter of time (less than I was thought) I become a full-time trader. All here it's easy, because the value and specially this amazing community is really insane, people always help the people, and you know that this people have similar goals to yours and it's really wonderful.

I'm so proud to be here and see that people REALLY ACHIEVE THE GOALS, definitely one of the best decisions in my life!

Since starting my forex trading journey in february 2018 I have overcome many hurdles along the way. From starting through to the summer of 2019, I was doing the breakeven dance at best. After a period of reflection knowing it wasn’t sustainable with the current strategy I was a part of, I sought out a mentor that had the results I wanted to achieve and came across joshua bunker, he was sharing with others how he trades so I got involved and watched this evolve into guerrilla trading.

Since joining guerrilla trading my results have transformed, I have not had a negative month, and have now been returning month on month results over 10% additionally as a result of this I have also secured funding from a proprietary firm which has enabled me to become a full time trader by the end of Q1 of 2020.

The community is something I have never experienced before, and I have been a part of several in the past. It feels like a family and there is no ego involved, everyone goes above and beyond to support you and help everyone to grow and push forward.

The strategy is on another level entirely. There are clear rules for entries and only 1 way to manage which makes it very simple to backtest but also protects you psychologically for when you look at scaling up your account.

Guerrilla trading is creating a movement of consistently profitable traders like no other provider out there but the best thing of all is that it is done in a way that provides you the skills and abilities to do this independently without having to ask what is a great trade or not because you know already yourself.

If you have any questions or want to talk further, I’m happy for you to reach out to me on instagram anytime my handle is: @james_mcneice

I have currently been interested in trading since 2018 when I was 18, after paying for many signals and untrustworthy courses I decided to do some proper research. After a few months of research, I came across another education provider where I stayed for 10 months. After 10 months I had gone live, met some awesome people and learnt the fundamentals of trading. After struggling to find consistency and going from -10% months to B/E / +1-2% I stumbled across guerrilla trading. This is where everything changed.

Now at the age of 21 I have been in guerrilla since the start and it has changed the way I look at the markets and I feel so much more independent. I am currently looking to go full time by the summer 2020. I have successfully secured $300k of FTMO funding in addition to other other prop firm funding, this would not be possible without guerrilla trading and the community! The whole community is awesome and always willing to help, and it is filled with likeminded & driven individuals.

Guerrilla trading has truly changed my life and shown me that with the right education, community and work ethic anything is possible. I will be forever grateful and can't wait for what the future holds.

I'm a project engineer (almost retired-july 20). I was looking for an activity to keep the grey matter going in my retirement, I found forex trading in the hope to doing just that, while also allowing me to achieve a personal goal of becoming financially secure, and of course making sure there's something for the children & grandchildren to help them along the journey of life.

Over the past 2 or 3 years I've tried a couple of different trading strategies, but they all had one thing in-common, that was 'discretion' this only made me indecisiveness when trading, hence missing good profitable trades.

Then in sep 19 I joined guerrilla trading based on the recommendations of another member - and I can say with absolute certainty "it's the best thing I've ever done" over the past few months I've put in a lot of time into learning from the guerrilla team and the rest of its community (all too willing to help out) and now I consider myself a part time constantly profitable trader. (but I still lose some trades, it's all part of the probability journey).

Now just to be clear guerrilla trading is NOT a 'magic service', nor a 'signal service', that will promise to make any, or all your money troubles disappear.

For me it's a 'school of opportunity' it will educate YOU how to succeed in forex trading. It's a very helpful friendly group of like-minded people all too willing to help you progress & hopefully succeed in your goals, the only hurdles you will come across is 'YOUR commitment' and 'YOUR ego' to make money fast.

So, leave your ego at home, be fully committed tin achieving your goals/dreams. And start your journey of YOUR success.

Now again just to be clear, guerrilla OR I cannot guarantee you will succeed but in my personal opinion - you will be giving yourself probably the best opportunity out there for new forex traders. BUT YOU MUST PUT IN THE EFFORT.

I joined guerrilla on october 2019, at that time I had been studying forex trading for 5 months and I thought I had quite a good understanding of the markets and trading in general. Now I can say that I knew nearly nothing, in guerrilla I've learned the true nature of the markets and it has given me all the confidence to trade live reducing the emotional aspect of trading to the level I couldn't even think about.

Apart from all the knowledge and value provided by the team what makes guerrilla unique is the community, where all members are willing to help and pushing others to the next level. Yes, I know all this may sound too good to be true so I would recommend anyone to give it a try and then discover the opportunity to change their lives that guerrilla offers.

I have been trading now for 18 months and seen a few methods, some with a large basis on technical indicators and some more trend related. Here at guerrilla trading, the guys have really deconstructed the process and took it back to a very easy to understand, completely emotionless theory that can be adapted to fit in with an ever-changing daily schedule.

The friendly community has given me confidence through shared knowledge and when you surround yourself with like-minded people, your determination and psychology improve ten-fold.

Furthermore, it really has opened my eyes to the potential in trading and by limiting yourself less with indicators or profit taking levels etc. And following simple rules the potential is infinite!

Honestly the best trading education on the market today!

I started off trading around 2 years ago and after getting various education from different sources I couldn’t find that consistency I needed, until I found guerrilla trading. They teach a killer entry strategy combined with the ultimate money management which has allowed me to find consistency.

Also trading can be a lonely place therefore having the support community where people can bounce ideas and grow together is fantastic. Thanks to all of the guerrilla trading team

I have been trading for 3.5 years and struggled to find consistency or believe I could actually hit consistent and be profitable trading a 100k account. Due to guerrilla trading and the community behind them I feel as if I can achieve what I couldn't in three years in three months. I can honestly say I am not consistent or profitable yet, but I know it is just around the corner.

It is the best trading decision I have made moving to them as everything I have learned from the meet-ups and the strategy itself is better than anything I have done so far. I am looking forward to progressing with guerrilla trading as the potential at this stage is limitless.

Thank you for everything you have done.

I started my trading career a couple of years ago and I've been studying under a couple of different companies. Unfortunately, none of these companies helped me reach consistency.

I joined guerrilla trading when they started in august 2019, and my results have drastically changed. I couldn't believe the improvement I had by applying the concepts taught by guerrilla trading i.E. Risk and capital management.

I know for a fact that their strategy is life changing. They've worked hard to get it to a point where it's easy for everyone to pick it up. However, despite being an easy strategy, please don't underestimate the amount of work you have to put it. Within the community, backtesting is highly promoted as it helps to get the strategy into your subconscious mind.

Since joining the guerrilla community, I have been a consistent trader month on month. If you're having doubts about joining, please don't. Give it a try and you'll see for yourself the power of the strategy.

I started trading in september 2018 and have been with multiple education provider for just over a year and could not find consistency. Some months I was breakeven, other months I was down a lot. There were so many times I felt like quitting but wanted to provide the good life for my family. I met josh at a few meet-ups and was in awe with his trading and style, I messaged him a few days after wanting to learn from him.

When josh and dave set up guerrilla trading it was a no brained for me to switch over, it took a few months for me to unlearn what I already knew, and found myself getting frustrated at times, but then all the hard work seemed to fall into place. I was consistent for the first time and continue to grow in confidence.

I am just waiting to for my contract for my first £100k investment capital. I can’t believe how quickly things fall into place. The community is the best as everyone genuinely wants to help everyone else succeed. This has without doubt been the best decision I have ever made; I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has to come. It’s only a matter of time before I go full time.

If you have seen the potential for forex trading to change yours and your loved ones lives for the better, but like so many have felt confused, daunted or simply don’t know where to start. You’re fortunate to have found guerilla trading.

The strategies allow you to simply buy effectively extract the maximum from the markets and the supportive community provides so much value.

I definitely recommend that you come and say hi!

've always said that one day I'll be able to trade naked, but I felt it was a pipe dream. The task seemed so daunting. Well thanks to joshua bunker and the rest of the GT team, today I can read price action very well without any indicators.

GT has allowed my trading to reach new levels, so much so that I am now a fully funded FTMO trader. I never understood the importance of backtesting, conducting self reviews, and having a solid routine.

I am not someone who writes reviews just for the sake of it. If I am writing this, just know that this course has changed the trajectory of my trading journey. Thank you josh and team! Forever grateful!

It's natural to be sceptical about any course you buy over the internet, especially in relation to forex trading strategies, communities or education. I can honestly say that joining guerrilla trading is hands down the best decision I have made during my trading journey and since joining I have been consistently profitable month on month.

This isn't only down to the clear strategy but the amazing and supportive community which comes along with the membership. The community (or guerrilla gang) provides amazing inspiration to put in the work which is required to make it in this game. You truly see that you get out what you put in.

If anyone is sat on the fence and would like to contact me to discuss my experience with guerrilla trading, then don't be shy and drop me a message in insta @jamiehill89

12 months ago, I was searching for a career change which would allow me to be in control of my life and not be in the normal rat race of a 9-5 job. Like most I stumbled across several social media posts relating to forex trading, all promoting the “get rich quick” lifestyle, very few mentors presented the cold hard reality this it is anything but becoming a millionaire overnight, however guerrilla trading is one of those mentors who thankfully was not selling the “overnight, get rich quick” dream.

I joined guerrilla trading in september 2019 and commenced 121 mentoring with dave jason (who had personally been mentored by joshua bunker), 4 months on, numerous mentoring sessions and endless hours of backtesting and going over all the educational material, I am now trading a sizeable live account and will be full-time at the end of february 2020.

The community is second to none, everyone is super supportive, friendly and absolutely no egos, everyone genuinely wants to see everyone succeed. I personally cannot recommend them highly enough to anyone who is serious about becoming a consistently profitable trader and making a real difference in their life.

I've been trading forex for over 5 years. I've tried just about every strategy and approach out there - indicators, price action, patterns, supply & demand, fibonacci, you name it I've tested it. After reflecting on my journey thus far I've been able to identify two key components that lead to consistent trading: eliminating discretion in your trading process and surrounding yourself with a supportive community. Often trading courses offer one or the other - you either have a clear trading methodology or a supportive community.

Guerrilla trading is a hidden gem that not only combines both of these components but was built from the ground up with these ideas in mind. Guerrilla has created a trading approach that completely eliminates discretion and has a supportive, friendly and non-judgemental community. The combination of the two creates an environment for accelerated learning and progression - which is evident seeing the results of so many members in such a short period of time.

There are a lot of groups/educators out there trying to sell holy grail systems or focus on flashy marketing tactics - guerrilla trading is not one of those. If you are serious about learning how to become a consistently profitable forex trader, then look no further than guerrilla trading - as long as you're willing to put in the work that is required. It's not an easy journey but it is worth it - and it's a lot more enjoyable when you have such a great community surrounding you. I highly recommend guerrilla trading!

How forex signals changed my life! (personal story)

How Forex Signals Changed My Life! (Personal Story)

It passed five years since I began forex trading besides my freelance work. After many years of hard work and research, I can finally call myself a forex trader. Yes, it’s still difficult for me to call myself a pro, but I am making good money out of my trades.

From an impulsive, young beginner to a mature and thoughtful trader, this journey was a definite game-changer for me. There is no denying the fact that the forex world is highly volatile and getting more and more challenging day by day. I still remember those days when I had no other option except to take a hint from media and financial news. Today, we’re lucky to have hundreds of tools and resources that has simplified the trading process. Even I can see so many novice traders quickly expanding and emerging as professional traders as they’re able to work in collaboration with so many resources – forex robots, forex indicators and forex signals are just to name a few.

As mentioned earlier, I started trading as a side gig. Sadly, I’ve always given utmost importance to my freelance work and this is probably the biggest reason I failed to get excellence and proficiency that most of my peers enjoy working as a fulltime trader.

Okay, so let’s go back to the question: how forex signals changed my life?

I lost thousands trying to trade on my own

Since, I never paid attention to market research, I lost thousands trying to trade on my own. It was devastating when I first faced a huge loss of over $3000. That was the time I actually realized that I need someone else (yes, someone who’s better than me in terms of market know-how and forex proficiency) to give a boost to my dyeing trades.

I spent hours and hours on research and came to know about ‘forex signals’. Whoa! Placing trades based on someone else’s knowledge is a perk I cannot define in words. But, who is the best forex signal provider?

Then lost thousands trying to find a signal provider and how I saved myself thousands in the process?

Sadly, the world wide web isn’t as simple as it may sound. As I was working as a freelancer previously, I had better idea about fraudulent and fake service providers that attract potential clients through their self-proclaimed statistics and performance records.

I decided to do thorough research on my part and came across a great third-party review website called forex robot nation.

Finally I listened to forex robot nation and now signals work great

Forex robot nation is a great platform where one can find product reviews, expert analysis and other valuable forex tools and resources to upscale their forex trades. I instantly subscribed to their services and ensured that I use their provided forex signals in the right way. The result? Not only I managed to recover my $3,000 loss in a few months, but also made good money out of each trades by properly following the signals.

Now, I suggest my friends and peers to acquire services of forex robot nation or any other dependable third-party review website to upscale their trading game.

So, let's see, what we have: forex changed my life and it is great to travel around the world while using expert advisors. These are trading robots that do all the trading for me. At forex trading changed my life

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