Deschide un cont Demo, instaforex open account.

Instaforex open account

Instaforex este un sponsor platinum al prestigioasei expoziției internaționale showfx world.

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Deschide un cont Demo, instaforex open account.

Deschide un cont Demo, instaforex open account.

Deschide un cont Demo, instaforex open account.

Alegând metatrader 4 puteți aprecia o mare varietate de sisteme automatizate (consilieri), indicatori, semnale, precum și VPS hosting special concepute pentru tranzacționarea stabilă garantată. Biroul contului demo este disponibil pentru toți clienții care utilizează conturi demo forex.

Deschide un cont demo

Alegând metatrader 4 puteți aprecia o mare varietate de sisteme automatizate (consilieri), indicatori, semnale, precum și VPS hosting special concepute pentru tranzacționarea stabilă garantată. Biroul contului demo este disponibil pentru toți clienții care utilizează conturi demo forex.

Pentru a începe să tranzacționați pe contul demo, ar trebui să:

  • Deschideți un cont forex demo

  • Obțineți numărul contului și parola

  • Descărcați metatrader 4 și conectați-vă la acesta folosind datele primite

  • Începeți tranzacționarea valutară în contul demo

Terminal de tranzacții metatrader 4

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Câștigați un ferrari de la instaforex!

Brokerul mondial №1 oferă clienților săi o oportunitate unică de a transporta legendara mașină sport de lux! Campania cu ferrari F8 tributo ca premiu principal se va desfășura în perioada 09 decembrie 2019 - 09 decembrie 2022. Oricine își suplinește contul cu 1.000 de dolari sau mai mult și se înregistrează pentru campania poate concura pentru mașina elegantă. Câștigătorul va fi determinat la întâmplare cu ajutorul numărului ferrari, astfel încât toți concurenții au șansa să câștige.

Câștigați un ferrari de la instaforex!

Brokerul mondial №1 oferă clienților săi o oportunitate unică de a transporta legendara mașină sport de lux! Campania cu ferrari F8 tributo ca premiu principal se va desfășura în perioada 09 decembrie 2019 - 09 decembrie 2022. Oricine își suplinește contul cu 1.000 de dolari sau mai mult și se înregistrează pentru campania poate concura pentru mașina elegantă. Câștigătorul va fi determinat la întâmplare cu ajutorul numărului ferrari, astfel încât toți concurenții au șansa să câștige.

Față în față cu instaforex

Instaforex este un sponsor platinum al prestigioasei expoziției internaționale showfx world.

Instaforex a participat la expoziții exclusive și conferințe financiare pentru mai mult 10 ani, inclusiv la showfx world, forumul internațional sponsorizat de instaforex. Mai mult decât atât, vom menține un dialog deschis cu clienții actuali și potențiali, prin organizarea de seminarii de formare și conferințe. Un număr mare de investitori individuali din întreaga lume au profitat deja de posibilitatea de a dobândi noi cunoștințe și de a îmbunătăți abilitățile lor de tranzacționare.

Față în față cu instaforex

Instaforex este un sponsor platinum al prestigioasei expoziției internaționale showfx world.

Instaforex a participat la expoziții exclusive și conferințe financiare pentru mai mult 10 ani, inclusiv la showfx world, forumul internațional sponsorizat de instaforex. Mai mult decât atât, vom menține un dialog deschis cu clienții actuali și potențiali, prin organizarea de seminarii de formare și conferințe. Un număr mare de investitori individuali din întreaga lume au profitat deja de posibilitatea de a dobândi noi cunoștințe și de a îmbunătăți abilitățile lor de tranzacționare.

Instaforex își ajută clienții să își transforme visele în realitate!

Participarea la campaniile instaforex este o oportunitate unică pentru a vă îndeplini visele. Puteți câștiga un gadget de ultimă oră sau o mașină de lux. Pe lângă asta, atât traderii pricepuți, cât și cei începători pot participa la acest concurs.

Așadar, alăturați-vă și încercați-vă norocul cu instaforex! Amintiți-vă că uneori victoria nu este cel mai important lucru. În afară de aceasta, veți obține și noi experiențe și abilități de tranzacționare, o competiție demnă și premii valoroase.

Instaforex își ajută clienții să își transforme visele în realitate!

Participarea la campaniile instaforex este o oportunitate unică pentru a vă îndeplini visele. Puteți câștiga un gadget de ultimă oră sau o mașină de lux. Pe lângă asta, atât traderii pricepuți, cât și cei începători pot participa la acest concurs.

Așadar, alăturați-vă și încercați-vă norocul cu instaforex! Amintiți-vă că uneori victoria nu este cel mai important lucru. În afară de aceasta, veți obține și noi experiențe și abilități de tranzacționare, o competiție demnă și premii valoroase.

7.000.000 de traderi din întreaga lume aleg instaforex

Pentru noi, evenimentul principal al acestei luni a fost momentul în care al șaptelea milion de clienți s-au alăturat companiei noastre! Familia instaforex este în creștere, ceea ce încurajează optimismul și ne inspiră pentru realizările viitoare.

7.000.000 de traderi din întreaga lume aleg instaforex

Pentru noi, evenimentul principal al acestei luni a fost momentul în care al șaptelea milion de clienți s-au alăturat companiei noastre! Familia instaforex este în creștere, ceea ce încurajează optimismul și ne inspiră pentru realizările viitoare.

Tranzacționarea de top cu instaforex!

Brokerul internațional instaforex se străduiește întotdeauna să ofere clienților și partenerilor săi servicii de cea mai înaltă calitate. Nivelul ridicat de instaforex este exprimat pe tot parcursul: utilizare a condițiilor de tranzacționare; o gamă largă de instrumente; echipă de suport extrem de calificată; o abordare individuală a fiecărui client, indiferent de volumul de tranzacționare; viteza de execuție a tranzacțiilor și multe alte lucruri care permit companiei instaforex să ajungă în vârful forex.

Tranzacționarea de top cu instaforex!

Brokerul internațional instaforex se străduiește întotdeauna să ofere clienților și partenerilor săi servicii de cea mai înaltă calitate. Nivelul ridicat de instaforex este exprimat pe tot parcursul: utilizare a condițiilor de tranzacționare; o gamă largă de instrumente; echipă de suport extrem de calificată; o abordare individuală a fiecărui client, indiferent de volumul de tranzacționare; viteza de execuție a tranzacțiilor și multe alte lucruri care permit companiei instaforex să ajungă în vârful forex.

Produse marca instaforex

Instaforex vă oferă posibilitatea de a achiziționa diverse produse cu logo-ul companiei la prețuri de fabrică: papetărie de birou, accesorii, îmbrăcăminte și alte bunuri.

Vă prezentăm, de asemenea, o gamă largă de instrumente de marketing care vizează atragerea de noi clienți: bannere, șabloane de broșuri, diferite materiale de instruire, certificate speciale și informatori forex.

Produse marca instaforex

Instaforex vă oferă posibilitatea de a achiziționa diverse produse cu logo-ul companiei la prețuri de fabrică: papetărie de birou, accesorii, îmbrăcăminte și alte bunuri.

Vă prezentăm, de asemenea, o gamă largă de instrumente de marketing care vizează atragerea de noi clienți: bannere, șabloane de broșuri, diferite materiale de instruire, certificate speciale și informatori forex.

Instaforex nigeria – open forex trading account

Instaforex account registration only takes a few minutes and allows you to conduct trading operations in the forex market..

After registration, you will be entitled to all bonuses been offered to traders by instaforex ranging from NO DEPOSIT BONUS, 30% WELCOME BONUS, 55% BONUS, 100% LFC PARTNERSHIP BONUS and so on. Each bonus received from instaforex can be instantly used to trade financial instruments or investments in forex projects.

This is what you need to do in order to open an account:

1. Accept instaforex terms of the public offer agreement; this agreement does not have to be signed in order to be binding; it is as legally valid as a standard paper contract.

2. Fill in the special registration form; after you have completed all the fields, you will receive the following information via email: your trading account number (login) and trader password needed to access client cabinet. They are also used for conducting operations via a trading platform; your phone password (keyword) used when you contact instaforex nigeria technical support or dealer department; your PIN code for confirming withdrawal requests.
You can start making deals on the forex market after you have deposited money into your instaforex trading account for the first time. You need to do it within one month after account registration. The minimum deposit size is just $5.
Now you can set up a trading terminal on your PC, tablet or smartphone, and start real trading!

Still unsure whether you need to open a forex account? Let us list a few of the benefits you get from trading with instaforex:

-instaforex is recognised as a world-class brokerage company;
-instant funding & withdrawal from banks within nigeria.
-free international mastercard for withdrawal on all ATM’s world wide
-more than 3 million traders worldwide choose instaforex;
-our trading conditions are designed to suit every trader in the forex market;
-we create efficient online services with user-friendly interface to make trading process more convenient and accessible;
– (instaforex nigeria support dept) will teach you how to work inside the trading platform, make orders, use the most effective forex strategies, etc;
-we will provide you with all necessary information,data and forex news;
-our online charts featuring a wide range of additional tools make technical analysis as precise and comprehensive as possible;

-all our traders disregarding their level of experience can participate in various campaigns and contests regularly held by instaforex

-there is a great number of trading bonuses you can get by trading with us.

Instaforex open account

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Tranzacționarea Forex pe contul demo pentru începători

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Deschide un cont Demo, instaforex open account.

Contul demo îndeplinește o funcție educativă; de fapt, depunerile contului sunt formate din fonduri virtuale și permite unui trader să exerseze tranzacțiile și să câștige abilități profesionale fără a risca niciun ban real. Când se tranzacționează pe un cont demo, atât profitul, cât și pierderea vor fi virtuale, în timp ce experiența de tranzacționare este remarcabil de similară condițiilor din viața reală. Fiecare etapă de deschidere a unui cont demo este descrisă în detaliu în această secțiune.

Analizele forex

Recenzii zilnice de pe piața valutară, plan de tranzacționare, analize video, predicții analitice ale experților de frunte ale piețelor valutare

  • Fundamental analysis

  • Fractal analysis

  • Wave analysis

  • Technical analysis

  • Stock markets

  • Candlestick analysis

  • Ichimoku indicator

  • Hot forecast

  • Trading plan

  • Crypto-currencies

  • News

  • Trend line

graph Analytics

Forecast for EUR/USD on january 29, 2021

graph Analytics

Forecast and trading signals for GBP/USD on january 29. COT report. Analysis of thursday. Recommendations for friday

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Overview of the EUR/USD pair. January 29. Jerome powell did not support the US dollar and did not give the market hopes for new growth of the US currency.

Instrumente de tranzacționare

Suport informational de la instaforex

Materiale analitice - instrument indispensabil pentru tranzacționarea eficientă pe piața forex

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Forecast for EUR/USD on january 29, 2021

graph Analytics

Forecast and trading signals for GBP/USD on january 29. COT report. Analysis of thursday. Recommendations for friday

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Overview of the EUR/USD pair. January 29. Jerome powell did not support the US dollar and did not give the market hopes for new growth of the US currency.

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Calendar economic

Friday, 29 january 2021

The swiss KOF economic barometer is a leading indicator which measures overall economic activity and is an excellent indicator of the direction of the swiss economy. The KOF economic barometer is one or two quarters ahead of the GDP growth rate of the previous year and thus enables an initial estimate to be made of how the swiss economy will perform in the next or in the next two quarters.

The barometer is ultimately adjusted to take account of seasonal fluctuations and random factors. The barometer is published monthly.

The percentage of individuals in the labor force who are without a job but actively seeking one. A higher unemployment rate is generally a drain on the economy. Not only does it mean that resources are not being fully utilized, but it also results in lower consumer spending as there are fewer workers receiving paychecks.

Note: the unemployment rate generally moves slowly, so changes of only a few tenths of a percent are still considered significant. Also note that the unemployment rate does not account for discouraged workers. Therefore, in an economically depressed environment, such as that which occurred in cold war era east germany, the unemployment rate may not accurately reflect the extent of problems.

The indicator shows the number of unemployed people in germany.

The gross domestic product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.

Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.

Technically, gross domestic product is calculated in the following way:

C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.

French GDP figures, officially called quarterly national accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.

A comprehensive measure of canada's overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP is a significant report in FX market, serving as one of the primary indicators of a country's overall economic health.

Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may prompt monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus positive GDP readings are generally bullish for the canadian dollar, while negative readings are generally bearish.

Most production reports that lead to canadian GDP are released before the official GDP number. Therefore, actual GDP figures usually confirm expectations. However, an unexpected release can move markets due to the significance of the figure.

Technically, gross domestic product is calculated in the following way:

C = private consumption
I = private investment
G = government expenditure
EX = exports of goods and services
IM = imports of goods and services

The headline figures for GDP are the percentage growth rate from the previous quarter and the annualized percentage change in GDP. Prices used are benchmarked to 1997 prices.

Comprehensive measure of how much consumers spend each month, counting expenditures on durable goods, consumer products, and services. Personal consumption is a comprehensive measure of GDP; consequently the figure is watched as an indicator for economic trends. Spending also has direct affect on inflationary pressures.

A healthy personal spending figure means that consumers are buying goods and services, fueling the economy and spurring output growth. The report is particularly valued for forecasting inflationary pressures. Taken in excess these high levels of consumption and production may lead to an overall increase in prices. Indeed, the fed uses a measure of inflation derived from the PCE as their primary gauge of inflation.

On the other hand, persistently low personal spending may result in decreasing levels of output and an economic downturn.

Because income is either spent or saved, personal spending (when reported as a percent of income rather than the headline percent change) has an inverse relationship to personal saving. Economists watch the growth of personal spending in relation to income and saving to determine if consumers are living beyond their means, which would influence levels of borrowing and future consumption.

The PCE figure is released in headlines as a percent change from the previous month.

Core personal consumption expenditure
volatile items like food and energy can fluctuate widely due to seasonal and non-systemic factors. In order to provide a less erratic picture of personal consumption, food and energy items are excluded in the PCE core report.

The headline figure of PCE is expressed in percentage change in spending for the quarter.

Note: the personal consumption expenditure figure is reported with the personal income and outlays figure.

Comprehensive measure of how much consumers spend each month, counting expenditures on durable goods, consumer products, and services. Personal consumption is a comprehensive measure of GDP; consequently the figure is watched as an indicator for economic trends. Spending also has direct affect on inflationary pressures.

A healthy personal spending figure means that consumers are buying goods and services, fueling the economy and spurring output growth. The report is particularly valued for forecasting inflationary pressures. Taken in excess these high levels of consumption and production may lead to an overall increase in prices. Indeed, the fed uses a measure of inflation derived from the PCE as their primary gauge of inflation.

On the other hand, persistently low personal spending may result in decreasing levels of output and an economic downturn.

Because income is either spent or saved, personal spending (when reported as a percent of income rather than the headline percent change) has an inverse relationship to personal saving. Economists watch the growth of personal spending in relation to income and saving to determine if consumers are living beyond their means, which would influence levels of borrowing and future consumption.

The PCE figure is released in headlines as a percent change from the previous month.

The employment cost index includes the wages and unemployment compensations.

Monthly measure of the business conditions based on surveys of purchasing managers across illinois, indiana and michigan. Released on the last business day of the reporting month, the report's significance has recently declined, with its only significance being that it precedes the more anticipated ISM report. Subsequently, it is used to predict the ISM report as the chicago survey retains a high correlation with the broader economic release.

Referring to a benchmark of 50, the report is considered to reflect expansion when printing a reading of 50 or higher. Conversely, a reading of 49 and lower would be indicative of contraction.

Tracks residential housing contract activity of existing single-family homes. The pending home sales report is an advanced read on trends in the US housing market. Housing is typically correlated to the overall state of the economy; particularly indicative of economic turning points. A sharp drop in housing demand typically acts as a warning signal of economic slowdown as buyers are reluctant to purchase houses when interest rates are high, disposable income is low, or consumer confidence is low. Conversely, a rebound in the housing market is often a leading indicator of an economic recovery.

The report headline is expressed in percentage change in pending home sales from previous month.

Instaforex nigeria – open forex trading account

Instaforex account registration only takes a few minutes and allows you to conduct trading operations in the forex market..

After registration, you will be entitled to all bonuses been offered to traders by instaforex ranging from NO DEPOSIT BONUS, 30% WELCOME BONUS, 55% BONUS, 100% LFC PARTNERSHIP BONUS and so on. Each bonus received from instaforex can be instantly used to trade financial instruments or investments in forex projects.

This is what you need to do in order to open an account:

1. Accept instaforex terms of the public offer agreement; this agreement does not have to be signed in order to be binding; it is as legally valid as a standard paper contract.

2. Fill in the special registration form; after you have completed all the fields, you will receive the following information via email: your trading account number (login) and trader password needed to access client cabinet. They are also used for conducting operations via a trading platform; your phone password (keyword) used when you contact instaforex nigeria technical support or dealer department; your PIN code for confirming withdrawal requests.
You can start making deals on the forex market after you have deposited money into your instaforex trading account for the first time. You need to do it within one month after account registration. The minimum deposit size is just $5.
Now you can set up a trading terminal on your PC, tablet or smartphone, and start real trading!

Still unsure whether you need to open a forex account? Let us list a few of the benefits you get from trading with instaforex:

-instaforex is recognised as a world-class brokerage company;
-instant funding & withdrawal from banks within nigeria.
-free international mastercard for withdrawal on all ATM’s world wide
-more than 3 million traders worldwide choose instaforex;
-our trading conditions are designed to suit every trader in the forex market;
-we create efficient online services with user-friendly interface to make trading process more convenient and accessible;
– (instaforex nigeria support dept) will teach you how to work inside the trading platform, make orders, use the most effective forex strategies, etc;
-we will provide you with all necessary information,data and forex news;
-our online charts featuring a wide range of additional tools make technical analysis as precise and comprehensive as possible;

-all our traders disregarding their level of experience can participate in various campaigns and contests regularly held by instaforex

-there is a great number of trading bonuses you can get by trading with us.

Buka akun forex trading

Bagaimana cara membuka akun live trading dengan instaforex?

Sebuah akun live yang dibuka oleh trader dalam sebuah perusahaan broker menandakan adanya deposit untuk trading di forex. Membuka sebuah akun memerlukan deposit dana yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan dalam pasar forex.

Registrasi akun hanya memerlukan beberapa menit dan memungkinkan anda melakukan operasi trading pada pasar forex. Setelah registrasi, anda akan menerima welcome bonus sejumlah 30% uang yang telah anda depositkan ke akun anda. Anda bisa menggunakan bonus untuk trading instrumen finansial atau menginvestasikan dalam program forex.

Berikut adalah hal-hal yang perlu anda lakukan untuk membuka akun:

  • Menyetujui syarat dari perjanjian penawaran publik. Perjanjian ini tidak perlu ditandatangani untuk menyatakan ikatan; secara hukum berlaku sebagai kontrak perjanjian standar.

  • Isi formulir registrasi khusus (tidak memerlukan waktu lama). Setelah anda mengisi seluruh kolom, anda akan menerima informasi berikut melalui email:

    • Nomer akun trading anda (login) dan password trader perlu di akses pada kabinet klien. Nomer akun dan password juga digunakan untuk melakukan trading melalui platform trading;

    • Password telepon anda (kata kunci) yang digunakan saat anda menghubungi ahli instaforex dari technical support atau dealer department;

    • Kode PIN anda untuk mengkonfirmasi permintaan penarikan.

  • Anda bisa mulai melakukan transaksi pada pasar forex setelah anda mendepositkan uang ke akun trading anda untuk pertama kalinya. Anda perlu melakukannya dalam waktu 30 hari setelah registrasi akun. Ukuran deposit minimum hanyalah $1.

  • Sekarang anda bisa membuat sebuah terminal trading pada PC anda, tablet atau smartphone, dan mulai trading sungguhan!

Pentru începători

Pasul 1 . Tranzacții pe un cont demo.

Oricine poate să își deschidă un cont demo și să afle cum să opereze platforma de tranzacționare și strategiile de tranzacționare pentru o perioadă nelimitată de timp și absolut gratuit. Este ca un drive test. Funcționalitatea contului demo este similară cu cea reală, cu excepția singurei diferențe prin care profiturile și pierderile sunt virtuale. Astfel, puteți învăța confortabil ABC-ul de tranzacționare. În cazul în care aveți întrebări, puteți contacta întotdeauna echipa noastră de asistență.

Pasul 2 . Tranzacții pe un cont real.

Când câștigați experiență în tranzacționare prin intermediul platformei și învățați strategiile majore de tranzacționare, puteți încerca tranzacționarea live. Întrucât volumul minim de tranzacționare nu este limitat, deci puteți tranzacționa după principiul „risc = profit”, atunci când doar dumneavoastră puteți determina volumul investițiilor.

Tranzacționarea live vă oferă mai mult în comparație cu un cont demo, indiferent cât de în serios luați în considerare tranzacția virtuală. Tranzacționând cu fonduri reale, chiar minime, începeți să simțiți legătura dintre profitul dumneavoastră și mișcările valutare. Această experiență este foarte importantă pentru trecerea la următorul nivel de dezvoltare a traderului.

Vedeti si

Tranzacționarea de metale cu InstaForex

Tranzacționarea de metale cu instaforex

Metalele prețioase reprezintă unul dintre cele mai stabile și eficiente instrumente pentru economisirea de bani. Având un statut de activ de refugiu sigur, aurul ajută investitorii să-și protejeze fondurile atât în ​​timpul stabilității economice, cât și al tulburărilor financiare. De aceea, timp de mai multe decenii aurul a făcut parte integrantă din portofoliile de active ale multor investitori. Vă oferim ocazia nu numai să investiți în metale prețioase, ci și să utilizați acest instrument de tranzacționare pentru a face tranzacții cu contracte forward care aduc profituri decente. La instaforex puteți începe să tranzacționați CFD pe aur, argint, cupru, platină și paladiu.

Tranzacționarea de metale cu instaforex

Metalele prețioase reprezintă unul dintre cele mai stabile și eficiente instrumente pentru economisirea de bani. Având un statut de activ de refugiu sigur, aurul ajută investitorii să-și protejeze fondurile atât în ​​timpul stabilității economice, cât și al tulburărilor financiare. De aceea, timp de mai multe decenii aurul a făcut parte integrantă din portofoliile de active ale multor investitori. Vă oferim ocazia nu numai să investiți în metale prețioase, ci și să utilizați acest instrument de tranzacționare pentru a face tranzacții cu contracte forward care aduc profituri decente. La instaforex puteți începe să tranzacționați CFD pe aur, argint, cupru, platină și paladiu.

Instaforex nigeria – steps on how to open a free demo account

Professionals at instaforex nigeria advise newbies to key in the amount of money they intend to start live trading with, so that the demo practice would be realistic..

  1. To open a free demo account visit our website on www.Instaforex.Com.Ng or click here

  2. Locate download metatrader 4 trading platform (zip)

  3. This pops up a dialog box click on “SAVE FILE” and click OK

  4. After downloading, double click on itc4setup.Exc(APPLICATION)

  5. It pops up a dialog box for you to click on agree; as soon as you agree to the terms and conditions’NEXT’would

  6. Highlighted for you to click on in order to proceed.

  7. Leave it at ‘STANDARD’

  8. When it gets to ‘LEVERAGE’ pick either 1:500 or 1:100

  9. When you get to “AMOUNT” please key in the amount of money you intend to start your live trading with, so that your practice would be realistic; the least ‘AMOUNT’ being $3000 does not mean that if you key in $100 it wouldn’t take it.

Many newbies are in a habit of keying in or practicing with amount of money they cannot afford in true life situation hence they tend to trivialize the demo account. The truth of the matter is if you cannot grow a ten dollar account, you cannot grow a million dollar account.

Click’ OK’and wait patiently for the platform to come up. Next; right click on the market watch and click on
‘SHOW ALL’ to bring up all tradeable instruments on the platform.

Finally, install every currency pair that you intend to be trading accordingly.

Instaforex nigeria technical support team are always ready to help you with additional guide on how to open a demo account or indicator(software) installation.

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Instaforex, $3,500 no deposit bonus on MT4 -start up promotion-

Ultimate risk free no deposit bonus promotion for instaforex traders!

The ultimate FX no deposit bonus by instaforex!

$3500 bonus is available only with this broker!

Promotion details

Start trading forex for free with this “account opening bonus”!

Instaforex’s no deposit bonus is the largest in amount as 3,500 USD !!

Instaforex’s greatest no deposit bonus promotion

Instaforex is running a “no deposit bonus promotion” where you can get 3,500 USD for free without making a deposit.

Why get the $3,500 bonus?

  1. Easy online registration

  2. No deposit required

  3. Bonus credited automatically

How to get $3,500 no deposit bonus?

In order to earn the $3,500, you first need to register online with instaforex for free from the link below.

Account opening & verification

  1. Open a live trading account

  2. Verify your information with documents

Then, the $3,500 will be credited to your account automatically, and it’s all yours!

Who can receive the bonus?

All investors who have opened a new USD based account after october 6th, 2017 are eligible to receive the bonus.

Withdrawal conditions

Please note that you cannot withdraw the bonus amount itself($3,500), but the profit can be withdrawn by trading certain lots as specified below.

Bonus amount $3,500
withdrawal of bonus amount not possible to withdraw the $3,500, but profit is withdrawable .
Maximum profit amount 350USD
(10% of the total bonus amount)
withdrawal of profit you must trade 1050 instaforex lots to withdraw the profit.
(105 standard lots)

The maximum profit amount you can generate through the promotion is limited to $350. Any profits over the amount will be cancelled and the account with the profit of $350 will be frozen temporarily .

To withdraw the profit, you must trade 1050 instaforex lots.

Exclusive offer for the participants of “$3,500 no deposit bonus”

After joining the instaforex’s no deposit bonus promotion and generating $350 of profit, you will be given the following 2 options to proceed.

  1. Deposit + meet withdrawal requirement → withdraw
    after making a deposit to the bonus account, you trade 1050 instaforex lots and withdraw them all.

  2. Open additional accounts + get 55% deposit bonus
    in this case, you will leave the profit of $350 to instaforex, then get 55% deposit bonus for the next account.

There are many rules and conditions involved through the campaign, please make sure that you have read and understood them all before joining this promotion.


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The international broker with huge community all over the world, offering superior trading conditions.


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Very good and reliable broker. I trade for many years with them. Their forexcopy system is the best.

Very good and technological broker. Love their PAMM and forexcopy system

Instaforex is scam! There are many troubles with traders and they are unsolved.


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Who is hercules.Finance?

Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Instaforex open account

how to open forex trading accounts

Open forex account with instaforex and get bonus 30%

I hope with this tutorial will help us for a new forex traders or even master forex traders to open live forex account at instaforex broker. Yes, instaforex open live account has a simple and fast step. So, here step by step to open forex account at best of the best forex broker on this planet : ��

  • Fill the personal data based on your id or your driver license. As shown as pictures below.


Instaforex account types

You can choose any account types as you like , below :

  • Standard, minimum trades volume 0.01 lot ($0.01/pips) recommended !!

  • Cent, minimum trades volume 0.01 lot cent ($0.001 /pips).

  • Eurica, type account with zero spread, but always charge fee on each open position.

You can choose server location, USA, singapore, EUROPE. You can choose laverage 1:200 until 1:1000, my recommendation is using 1:1000 �� you can check free swap and subscribe for analytics receipt.



  • Last step, fill affiliate code with “DUXN” [without quotes] and don’t forget to check “I agree with the public offer agreement“.

Login detail information, like account trading number, password, phone password, pin (this pin for withdrawal), server number will sent to your email and don’t forget to safe them in safest place in your secret folder in your pc or your laptop. Just for information, you can open as many account as you like with the same name. Maximum 5 accounts with the same name.


Test your trading skill by download instaforex trading platform

    No need upload your ID card or driver license to withdrawal your money, this is one of benefit and easy facilities from instaforex because they have a good secure system, but if you want still upload your id card or passport or driver license it’s a not a problem at all so your account become verified accounts. Overall trading with instaforex give us a comfortable trading condition with no cheat or manipulation market movement like usually other cheaters forex brokers. Instaforex broker give a honest price data feed and the most important is because we can get a chance to earn money by become a instaforex partners or test drive your trading skills with instaforex contest and get a real money to trade with.

So, why don’t we open live account with instaforex right now and make some deposit, and test our trading system or our forex robot. And remember instaforex standard account using 1pip equal with 1 cent and we can open minimum lot as small as 0.01lot only. It’s very flexible right? And again don’t forget become instaforex partner to get some extra cash.

Instaforex loprais team: official participant of the dakar rally

Instaforex is a title sponsor of instaforex loprais team, the crew participating in the dakar rally. It is a joint project of instaforex, the tatra team and the loprais family, repeated winners of the dakar rally.

The contract to organize a new team was signed in may 2011 by the family member of rally champions ales loprais and deputy director of instaforex dmitriy savchenko. This event marked a turning point for both the loprais family and the broker. The loprais got a strong partner to help them break new ground, while instaforex strengthened its business creed that unites high achievement sport and the forex market by providing support to independent teams and world-famous sportsmen.

Instaforex loprais team has its roots in the tatra team, regular participant of the dakar rally. This fact determined the new stage of the team’s development as one of the favorites of the competition. A highly talented and ambitious crew with its experience, championship tradition and support of instaforex won their first victories and the title of the undisputed leaders in the category of trucks. In the first year of its new era instaforex loprais team won the silk way rally, leaving behind many of the favorites, including works teams.

Every year instaforex loprais team takes part in dakar rally, and has been showing excellent results since 2012. In 2014 the team won in a multi-day marathon, rally breslau, in poland and participated in baja hungaria, the seventh round of 2014 FIA cross country rally world cup. The rally in hungary was a hard challenge for trucks. The oilibya rally of morocco 2015, a part of the FIA world cup, was another highlight of the instaforex loprais team history. The team ended the five-day race in morocco with the second place.

Do not miss a pivotal moment in the history of the rally created by instaforex loprais team. More victories are yet to come!

So, let's see, what we have: puteți deschide un cont demo funcțional în totalitate utilizând platforma profesională metatrader4, care este considerată cea mai populară soluție... At instaforex open account

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