Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Earn money by receiving sms

You can tell these advertisers that you are ready to see their ads if they are ready to pay me.

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Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Now if these companies want to send any promotional SMS and you are not ready accept the SMS, they have to bribe you. They will ask you to pay you for every SMS you receive on your mobile.

Earn from mobile. Earn money by sending and receiving SMS

Earn from mobile phone or you can say earn money by sending and receiving SMS is not very new concept. Yes, your mobile phone has the power to make you earn few thousands bucks every month by sending and receiving SMS. And this is absolutely free and without investment.

Now you must be thinking I got crazy, how can someone make money from mobile just by sending or receiving SMS. How can someone get benefitted if I send an SMS to my friend or anybody or receive SMS from someone. Yes, there is one of the best idea behind all these and we will tell you exactly how you can earn from your mobile.

So how to earn money from mobile?

Companies are spending millions of dollars on advertising and marketing. They want the attention of consumers for their products, they want that everyone should get their message how exactly their product can give the benefits, they want continuous hammering in your mind for their brand.

Companies spend millions of dollars on every form of advertising be it TV, newspaper, radio, internet or even your MOBILE. Yes, you must have got some little idea, what exactly I want to say and must be curious to know more how to earn from mobile.

You can tell these advertisers that you are ready to see their ads if they are ready to pay me.

But how exactly you earn by sending and receiving SMS?

There is a good catch here that you will make money from every SMS you send or receive.

Companies don’t have to bother if they want to advertise on TV, newspaper, radio, internet, hoardings etc. But if they want to send ads through SMS on your mobile, they need to take your permission as per the rule OR-AND you have the power not to receive any promotional ads by registering at the DND (do not disturb) service at your mobile operator.

Now if these companies want to send any promotional SMS and you are not ready accept the SMS, they have to bribe you. They will ask you to pay you for every SMS you receive on your mobile.

Unlike other advertisement method, SMS ads are more powerful because they get more attention.

First reason is that you have opt-in for the ads and you will receive the SMS for only those products or brands you are looking for so there are more chances that you will not avoid these ads.

Second reason you may think that most of the time either we can’t delete the SMS before opening this and even if we have facility to directly delete the SMS, there is no chance that you will not read the headline of the SMS before deleting this. So mobile advertisement is 100% more effective.

What you have to do to earn from mobile? How to start this?

Its very simple to earn from mobile. There are more then 6 websites we will give you where you can register to make money by receiving SMS on your mobile.

Signup is very simple and it takes only 2-5 minutes at each website. After you signup, they will ask you more details about you which you can fill up after you login.

There, you have the complete freedom to choose how many SMS you want daily, your preference in which category you like to receive SMS or the time slot where you can receive the SMS. After confirming your mobile number and email ID, you will be ready to start receiving SMS and earn from this.

What are other methods to make money other then receiving SMS?

You can also earn by sending SMS. Yes, instead of paying for sending SMS, you will earn by sending SMS because when you send an SMS to your friend or relative, that SMS will contain a short text ad at the end of the SMS and that ad will be contextual.

It means if you are sending an SMS to your friend to meet at a coffee shop, that ad may contain an ad of coffee cafe day or barista. So this way, you will earn by sending SMS. There is one more better way of making money which will multiply your earnings to many times and that is referring your friend and relative to join these sites.

And that is very simple. You can invite your friends directly accessing your email account or social media account from the interface of these websites when you are logged in or sending a referral link through email, websites or your social accounts (facebook, twitter, google+ etc.).

You will earn 2 rs. To 5 rs. For every referral and even when they earn by sending or receiving SMS, you will make some percent of their earnings. Its that simple and great earning concept.

How do I know how much I earned?

There will a dashboard when you login to any of the website. You can track how many SMS you have received or sent and how much money you have received from this.

You can also check how many people you have referred, how many of them and how much you have earned from referring them. These websites will send you the cheque in your name whenever you cross the said amount around rs. 300 to rs. 500 depending on the site.

Do I need to pay for this? How to signup on these websites?

No, this is absolutely free to signup on all these sites. We will send you the list of these 6 websites in your email. So just signup with your email address and we will send you the list of these earn money from mobile sites.

Not, only you get these list, we will also provide you other trusted home based jobs like paid online survey, mturk, adsense, affiliate marketing and other programs. So just click here and signup.

Best SMS sending jobs & SMS receiving jobs from mobile

Make money from SMS sending jobs is one the best part time jobs to earn money from mobile easily.

If you’re ready to work hard with patience then you can easily make money sending and receiving SMS jobs.

Making money from your mobile phone by sending and receiving SMS is very old concept in terms of money making.

Yes, your smartphone has the efficiency to earn few thousands every month by through SMS sending jobs.

Your mobile phone is the key to make money from SMS sending jobs.

Many people are already started earning money from SMS sending and receiving jobs from home without investment.

Do people really make money from mobile by just sending and receiving SMS?

This question might have risen in your mind.

The answer is yes, you can easily make money by sending and receiving SMS jobs.

You will have many queries like,

  • How do I get money to send a SMS?

  • I or someone who receives SMS will get paid?

  • Who will get benefited by sending and receiving SMS jobs?

Make money from SMS sending jobs

We will learn here that how to earn money with SMS sending and receiving jobs from mobile phone.

Make Money from SMS Sending Jobs

How to make money from mobile through sending and receiving SMS?

It’s a opened secret that most of the people in the world, holding mobile phone.

Nowadays, cell phone is like a sixth finger of human.

Product companies and multi national marketing companies need to advertise their products to the people to get more profit.

Bulk SMS sending job is the best way to market any product or service to the millions of people at the same time.

Many product companies are spending billions of dollars for SMS marketing.

Yes, bulk SMS sending is the quickest way to advertise any product or service to many people.

We know the tips and tricks in the SMS sending jobs is, the company can reach the target customers directly, easily and quickly.

There are multiple ways to promote any product like, newspaper, TV, radio, internet, street display ads and many more ways.

The good part of SMS advertisement is, you can tell those advertisers / product companies that you are willing to see their ads if they pay money.

You can easily make money by receiving SMS from the marketing companies by activating OPT-IN option.

How exactly people make money by sending and receiving SMS?

The good part of sending and receiving SMS job is, you will earn money from each SMS you send and receive.

If any product company wants to send a SMS to your mobile phone then they will get your permissions to do so.

As per the rule, you have an option to enable or disable to receive any promotional ad SMS to your mobile.

You may reach-out your mobile network operator to activate DND (do not disturb) service at your mobile connection.

Alright, if any company wants to promote their product by sending SMS to your mobile they will pay you for receiving promotional SMS.

This way you can make money by receiving SMS.

SMS ads method will get more attention from the people as they always holding their mobile phone.

You have opt-in option for the advertisements, so you will receive promotional ads which you agreed to receive.

It’s very clear that you will receive the ads which you’re willing to see as agreed through opt-in option.

If you have agreed to watch SMS ads, then you can’t delete the SMS ads without reading or watching the ads.

So it’s clear that mobile advertisement is 100% powerful and effective way to promote the products.

How to earn money by sending SMS jobs?

Way2sms is one the popular and free SMS sending website. You can make money from cell phone by sending and reading SMS.

Way2sms is completely free to join after verify your account validation via email.

Free registration to earn money from SMS sending and receiving jobs won’t take more than 2 minutes.

You can make money from multiple ways from way2sms.

Those are, downloading mobile apps, make money searching the web, email access and many other simple tasks.

Also you can make money from way2sms referral program through your affiliate referral link.

Join way2sms

I would strongly advise you that most of the SMS sending jobs are scam or fake. So please review well and decide well based on your decision.

Tips to make money from SMS sending jobs or SMS marketing jobs?

Once you have joined with the bulk SMS sending companies or SMS marketing company, they will provide you an affiliate link.

Affiliate link is nothing but it’s a code which has the ads details along with your identification.

So you can send bulk emails to your friends and relatives through SMS and you earn money out of it.

Yes, when the target person opens the SMS, it will redirect to the advertisement’s landing page.

For sending this advertisement SMS, you will get paid.

Most of the SMS ads are contextual, so all SMS ads are related to the context.

For an instance, if you’re inviting your friend for a birth day party then the ad might relate with greeting card ads and so on.

Almost all the SMS advertising companies offer referral program.

You can ask your friends and relatives to join with these bulk email service, so you can make money as referral commission from the advertisers or product companies.

You may use your facebook group, twitter, instagram, tumblr and etc. To promote your affiliate program to many people to join with bulk SMS sending job.

Learn more about SMS sending jobs

  • This article will surely open the myth of SMS sending jobs.

  • SMS sending jobs is nothing but SMS marketing jobs only

  • Can’t earn from SMS sending jobs unless you send quality SMS

  • You can earn from SMS referral program through affiliate marketing

  • SMS sending jobs is not just send SMS; send quality SMS to the targeted people

  • SMS sending jobs do not need computer or GPRS

  • Joining with SMS sending jobs is absolutely free without investment

  • Students, housewife, part-time job seeker, full time jobs seeker, retired and anyone can join and earn from SMS sending jobs easily.

  • It’s sure that you need to work hard to make money from SMS sending jobs.

Stay away from SCAM SMS sending jobs

It’s sure that you can earn money from SMS sending jobs and SMS receiving jobs.

Keep in your mind that there are several fake or scam sms sending companies are cheating the poor people and students.

It’s very common that everyone wants to make money through simple ways.

So the scammers target would be students and the poor people.

Because students and normal people always look for smart way to make money, so they prefer to join with SMS sending job.

They are very particular to work smart not hard. Also they want to become rich over-night which is not possible.

Earning money from SMS sending business is not a quick scheme to do.

How much you can earn from SMS sending jobs?

It’s very difficult to say that how much you can make from your mobile through SMS sending job.

Your earnings from SMS sending jobs are based on the hard work to put towards this business and the SMS marketing company you work for.

Is SMS sending job is scam?

  • Yes, most of the SMS marketing or SMS advertising companies are SCAM or FAKE.

  • Most of the SMS advertisement companies attract the people by offering by high earning options.

  • The real SMS advertising company never forces the people to join. They will focus on the people to teach SMS advertising methods.

What are the requirements for online SMS jobs?

Nothing special required to start earns from SMS jobs online.

Any cell phone is more than enough to start SMS jobs to send SMS.

If you have computer with internet connection then that would be an added advantage.

Yes, you may send bulk SMS through gmail or 160by2.Com, way2sms.Com and many other SMS marketing companies.


Thanks for reading my article about make money from SMS sending and receiving jobs by mobile phone.

Read again this article carefully and be aware of scam SMS sending jobs.

However, I would strongly advise you to verify many places and websites before join with any SMS sending jobs.

9 ways to earn money with text messages

Last updated july 31, 2020

Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase or sign up through my links, at no cost to you. Please read my disclaimer for more info.

Even though it feels like too good to be true, but you can earn money even by sending messages. To make it easier for our readers, we have created a list of apps that can help you make money with text messages.

9 ways to earn money with text messages

You can make money with text messages. Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but there are services that pay people to send and receive text messages. You already send tons of texts to your friends every day, so you might as well turn some of them into cash.

With millions of messages being sent every minute, text messaging has become a vitally important medium of communication. So companies are willing to pay people to text.

Now, the nature of texting and the texts differ by the platform. However, there are plenty of choices, so you can definitely find something that strikes a chord with you.

List of top ways to make money texting

There are many apps where you get paid for text messages, but then there are many that are simply bogus. The following have been tried and tested, and many of them are quite popular to make money online.


You can also incorporate text messaging in blogs through leadpages plugin.

Simply create a blog with bluehost and set up leadpages to create an opt-in text. This way you can communicate directly with your visitors and have them opt-in to receive emails.

Bluehost is the easiest way to start a website or blog. It takes less than 10 minutes to get a website up and running.

Bluehost costs only $3.95/month and you’ll get a free domain name along the way.

Bluehost is the ultimate hosting platform that will allow you to start a blog or website in a matter of minutes. You'll get a FREE domain name when you sign up with my link it's never been easier to build a brand. START A BLOG

Text messages work way better than emails for your viewers to opt-in and receive emails or text messages.

This can also be a way to send offers, affiliate links, and posts directly to their phone’s inbox. The visitors, on the other hand, save money through offers.

This can be an indirect way to make money online for both the blogger and their visitors through text messaging.

Want to build an audience with blogging? Check out my free 4-day course highlight the exact tips I used to make over $10,000 per month blogging.

IMGR is a service that pays you to send text messages, basically advertisement messages. They have their own app, and you send texts through their own platform.

You won’t be sending texts directly from your inbox.

While you can download it for free, it can take quite some effort to make some decent money. Also, you can only send texts to people who are also on the app, so that restricts the number of texts you can send. Nevertheless, it’s a great opportunity, and many people have set it up to earn cash on the side.

It’s based on a points system, so with each text you send, there is an opportunity to avail one point, equivalent to $0.01. You only get the point when you get a response to your text.

So if you sent out ten texts and got eight replies, you will earn eight points.

You have to cash out your points because they get refreshed at the end of the month. Also, the minimum payout is 300 points or $3. You can receive money via paypal.

1Q is a lot more interesting as you can get paid for incoming SMS. It’s basically a marketing research company that sends you texts with questions, coupons, or offers.

You have to respond as quickly as you can to these messages.

Messages come from the 1Q app or directly on your numbers as SMS. When you respond, you get paid instantly via paypal. The amount varies from 25 cents to 50 cents, so 1Q can make you good money if you manage to receive and respond to quite a few messages.

When you join the platform, you will fill in your demographics. Based on that information, you will get text messages.

Apparently, if you allow location tracking, you may get more messages as you move around.

The great thing about 1Q is that you get paid instantly, and there’s no minimum payout limit. Another thing is that you don’t necessarily need a smartphone, as most messages come directly on your contact number.

KGB or knowledge generation bureau is a platform that pays you to answer questions. Its name is based on the russian intelligence agency, which is ironic as you’re literally answering questions, not keeping secrets.

They call you special agent when you sign up, so there’s a theme to the whole thing.

Much like the real-life KGB, this KGB is also hard to join. They are mainly looking for individuals who have good general knowledge and excellent research skills.

So you’re screened before you can join in.

One downside to this platform is that it’s only available to US citizens and asks for the social security number. That’s a little dicey for some people, so only join if you don’t have any problem giving your SSN to this company.

You get paid to answer text messages, and the pay can be 5 cents or 10 cents per response. If you give the answer by yourself, you can make 10 cents.

If you pick it up from their database, you make 5 cents.

You can receive money through direct deposits in your bank account. It also requires you to be active almost every day, which can be difficult for some people to ensure.


Fibler is a relatively new platform, but it’s been gaining popularity quickly. It doesn’t use ads or asks you questions. You simply make money with SMS through your expertise.

This pay per minute chat platform lets you speak to individuals who want your advice or expertise. That sort of narrows down the field as you must be an expert in something.

That said, there are plenty of choices, so you might just be an expert in at least one of them.

It’s not just a text messages app, it also allows calls, so you get paid by the minute to talk to people. You can also cast your videos on this platform to talk about your skills and how you can help people.

As for payment, you decide the rate and fibler adds it’s commission on top of it. So you earn exactly the minutes or the number of messages you’ve sent. You may have to really market your expertise in your profile to attract people.

This is a great platform for nutritionists, fitness experts, career coaches, general counselors, food experts, etc. It’s open to virtually any country, and you can receive money directly in your bank account.

AQA 63336

AQA 63336 is a UK-based company that pays you to answer questions on the text. You can easily make money with your phone even without the internet as they don’t have an app.

They send texts directly to your native messaging inbox.

This platform claims that they have an answer to every question. As a result, they are selective with the people they hire to answer questions of their patrons. Unlike other platforms, you send your CV and a cover letter to get selected.

The company doesn’t really tell how much you can possibly earn. But if the comments are anything to go by, it’s not a lot. Regardless, it’s quite interesting and doesn’t hurt to try.

You don’t even have to go on an app as you simply answer via SMS.


With mcmoney, you earn money by receiving SMS. It’s as simple as that, you receive text messages, and you don’t have to respond or do anything else. They basically send texts to test services for mobile operators, so in a way, you’re also helping make mobile networks better.

McMoney earn money with text

It’s available in multiple countries, but the spots are limited. You may not be able to get on their list instantly.

They send money each time you receive a text in your mcmoney app. You can cash out when you’ve hit the minimum amount, which varies by country.

You might not get so many texts, at tops it’s two texts a day.

So don’t expect to earn a lot of passive income, just think of it as free money. You’re making the minimum effort, which is just receiving texts in your inbox.

They use paypal for payout, so you must have an account. Also, the app is only available for android, which limits its use. Still, it’s a pretty good way to earn money with text messages.

Money SMS

Money SMS is very similar to mcmoney, in that you get to make money by just receiving messages. The biggest downside of this app is that it’s not available in the US and UK, and also only limited to android.

So if you’re in another country, you can perhaps use it.

Money SMS

You need the apps to be active at all times and receive messages on the app. The minimum payout is 2 euros. For each text you receive, you’ll get 0.02 euros, so it will take you 100 texts to make those 2 euros.

While it’s not lucrative, it’s a side hustle you don’t really need to get involved with. Download it once and then just forget about it.

What you always need to do is just open the app and look at the texts you receive. That should take seconds.


Hummr is another android app that connects people who need some help with their projects with people who can provide that help.

It gives the option for text messaging, as well as, voice calls. You can create a profile and offer your expertise to other people.

Hummr earn money by texting

It’s kind of like a pay per chat software, where you get paid to chat with people and solve their problems. It’s still growing because it’s not that popular right now, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

You can offer any type of expertise, but you may have to go through some screening to be able to work on this platform.

There can be quite a lot of competition on such platforms.

How much money can you make texting?

Don’t expect to make quite a lot of money through text messages, but it’s something you can definitely try in your free time. Even if it makes you ten bucks at the end of the month, it’s not bad because you practically do nothing.

You can buy yourself a drink or pay for a streaming subscription for a whole month.

On some platforms, you can make decent money, but it will take some time.

On apps like 1Q or mcmoney, you can work your way to getting enough messages to make anywhere from ten bucks to 50 bucks.

Only work with platforms that are legit and pay money through paypal or direct deposit. Otherwise, your number or email address you used to sign up will simply end up in lists for sale.


It’s very much possible to make money with text messages. We’ve shared some worthy apps to earn money by:

  • Sending messages only

  • Receiving messages only

  • Doing both

Either way, this is one of the easiest ways to make some money doing something you already do all the time.

We spend anywhere from three hours to five hours on our phones, which is more than enough to allocate just a few minutes on these apps. That’s a good way to earn some extra money.

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Earn money by receiving SMS

No wonder that you can now make money just by receiving promotional text messages on your mobile and doing nothing. There are few indian companies and websites that pay you few paisa for each promotional SMS they send out to you after signing-up with them. In simple words, such initiatives can be another hi-tech mode of advertisement.

Well, if you think these promotional SMS will piss you off, then its not the case. It is completely your choice on, how much SMS to receive and at what time. You’ll be paid for the number of SMS sent to you multiplied by the fixed rate they pay for each promotional SMS they send.

Also, you are paid some extra money for each person invited using your referral. So, personally speaking, its like making money even while you sleep. ��

Here are few such websites/companies that pay you for receiving SMS.

Websites that pays for receiving SMS:


Mginger is one of the early entrant in such an initiative and believed to be one of the most reliable company for making money by receiving SMS.

  • Earnings: 10 paisa for each SMS you get and 5 paisa for each SMS sent to people you referred.

  • Referral bonus: rs. 2 per person that opens an account with your referral

  • Payout amount: you must have accumulated earnings of rs. 300 to receive your cheque

  • Registration


Youmint is another popular service that pays for receiving SMS.

  • Earnings: 20 paisa for each SMS you receive and 10 paisa for each SMS that your referral gets

  • Payout: as in the previous case, you get paid only if you accumulate rs. 300

  • Registration

Earn from mobile. Earn money by sending and receiving SMS

Earn From Mobile. Earn Money By Sending and Receiving SMS

Earn from mobile otherwise you can say earn money by sending and receiving SMS isn’t very new concept. Yes, your mobile has the facility to form you earn few thousands bucks monthly by sending and receiving SMS. And this is often absolutely free and without investment.
Now you want to be thinking I got crazy, how can someone make money from mobile just by sending or receiving SMS. How can someone get benefitted if I send an SMS to my friend or anybody or receive SMS from someone. Yes, there’s one among the simplest idea behind of these and that we will tell you exactly how you’ll earn from your mobile.

So the way to earn money from mobile?

Companies are spending many dollars on advertising and marketing. They need the eye of consumers for his or her products, they need that everybody should get their message how exactly their product can give the advantages , they need continuous hammering in your mind for his or her brand.

Companies spend many dollars on every sort of advertising be it TV, newspaper, radio, internet or maybe your MOBILE. Yes, you want to have gotten some little idea, what exactly i would like to mention and must be curious to understand more the way to earn from mobile.

  • Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Earn from mobile. Earn money by sending and receiving SMS

But how exactly you earn by sending and receiving SMS?

There is an honest catch here that you simply will make money from every SMS you send or receive.
Companies don’t need to bother if they need to advertise on TV, newspaper, radio, internet, hoardings etc. But if they need to send ads through SMS on your mobile, they have to require your permission as per the rule OR-AND you’ve got the facility to not receive any promotional ads by registering at the DND (do not disturb) service at your mobile operator.
Now if these companies want to send any promotional SMS and you’re not ready accept the SMS, they need to bribe you. They’re going to ask you to pay you for each SMS you receive on your mobile.

What you’ve got to try to to to earn from mobile? The way to start this?

Its very simple to earn from mobile. There are more then 6 websites we’ll offer you where you’ll register to form money by receiving SMS on your mobile.
Signup is extremely simple and it takes only 2-5 minutes at each website. After you signup, they’re going to ask you more details about you which of them you’ll refill after you login.
There, you’ve got the entire freedom to settle on what percentage SMS you would like daily, your preference during which category you wish to receive SMS or the slot where you’ll receive the SMS. After confirming your mobile number and email ID, you’ll be able to start receiving SMS and earn from this.

What are other methods to form money other then receiving SMS?

You can also earn by sending SMS. Yes, rather than paying for sending SMS, you’ll earn by sending SMS because once you send an SMS to your friend or relative, that SMS will contain a brief text ad at the top of the SMS which ad are going to be contextual.
It means if you’re sending an SMS to your friend to satisfy at a cafe , that ad may contain a billboard of coffee cafe day or barista. So this manner , you’ll earn by sending SMS. There’s another better way of creating money which can multiply your earnings to several times which is referring your friend and relative to hitch these sites.
And that is extremely simple. You’ll invite your friends directly accessing your email account or social media account from the interface of those websites once you are logged in or sending a referral link through email, websites or your social accounts (facebook, twitter, google+ etc.).
You will earn 2 rs. To 5 rs. For each referral and even once they earn by sending or receiving SMS, you’ll make some percent of their earnings. Its that straightforward and great earning concept.

How do i do know what proportion I earned?

There will a dashboard once you login to any of the web site . You’ll track what percentage SMS you’ve got received or sent and the way much money you’ve got received from this.
You can also check what percentage people you’ve got referred, what percentage of them and the way much you’ve got earned from referring them. These websites will send you the cheque in your name whenever you cross the said amount around rs. 300 to rs. 500 counting on the location .

Do i want to buy this? The way to signup on these websites?

No, this is often absolutely liberal to signup on of these sites. We’ll send you the list of those 6 websites in your email. So just signup together with your email address and that we will send you the list of those earn money from mobile sites.

Money SMS review : earn free money online by receiving SMS

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

I’ll be honest, earning money online is tough .

However there are a few opportunities that can let you earn free money online .

What are some of these opportunities? Make money online : money SMS ! Simply earn money by receiving SMS on your phone .

The internet has offered us a myriad of opportunities and these include earning a living off it. Billions of people spend time on the internet looking for ways to make money online .

If you’re one of those looking for possible alternatives to make money online partially without putting in a lot of efforts , money SMS is a must have app for you .

The aim of the application is receiving messages every day for 0.02 pound per SMS. You receive at least 3 SMS per day. On average, between 1 and 5 SMS per day.

Each person using your code receive 0.25 pound, and you receive 30% of his coming amounts.

Payment method : paypal, skrill, webmoney, bitcoin, advcash, okpay

Enter this code to get 0.5 pound as a welcome gift :

What is make money online : money SMS ?

Money SMS is a mobile application that allows you make money online passively by receiving messages on your phone .

You can now make money online automatically by installing the leading money making app make money online: money SMS.

How does it work ?

To earn real money, download make money online: money SMS and earn extra cash for each automatic test SMS message they will send on your phone!

Now it is easy to make money online from a phone, you just need to run the money making app in the background. The system will generate test messages itself every day and you don’t have to do anything!

Most other money making apps require you to watch advertising or complete certain tasks to make extra cash. Money SMS allows you to make money online without your involvement. In comparison to all other money making apps, you are not required to do anything besides running make money online: money SMS and you will automatically earn real money for each test SMS you receive.

You can get paid via paypal, webmoney, bitcoin, okpay, skrill and advcash. There are several gateways in uganda that can help you withdraw your paypal and bitcoin funds .

Why do they pay me for receiving just SMS ?

You have to be wondering why they have to pay you for receiving these SMS .

The reason is a lot of telecom SMS providers and mobile network operators need to send SMS test messages to foreign countries to verify and ensure proper delivery of their SMS. You are actually getting paid because they use your phone number to provide such testing services.

So how do I get started ?

Getting started is easy, all you need is a smart phone and money SMS app connected to internet.

Instructions are as easy as this :

Download the app

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Register and launch

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Connect to internet

Keep the app running

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Receive test SMS

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.
Earn From Mobile, earn money by receiving sms.

That’s it, as simple as that, everything is done automatically, you just need to run the app and have internet.

Your will get paid €0.02 for each received test. You can request money withdrawal as soon as your balance hits 2 EUR. Receive your money in 48 hours.

What is payout threshold ?

It’s possible to withdraw minimum 2 euro to paypal, bitcoin, webmoney, advcash, skrill or okpay wallet.

Conclusion :

Hope you have loved this, it’s time you download money SMS and start earning free money today . If you feel you need our help feel free to reach us via our contact us page .

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How to make money online

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How it works

Download the app

It is simple. Download SMS profit on your android mobile phone.

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and verify it.
We can send you
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6 fun ways to make money sending text messages

Updated on: april 25, 2018 by amy kennedy leave a comment

Are you text-obsessed? Why not make some money sending texts to people? These 6 websites will pay you just to send texts to people – no phone chats involved.

We all love using our cell phones, especially for texting.

In fact, statistics show that americans, especially, prefer to send text messages than talk on their cell phones.

Unfortunately, most people that spend several minutes вђ“ or even hours вђ“ every day donвђ™t get paid for that time.

Iвђ™m going to show you how you can actually make some money off your texting habit!

Itвђ™s amazing what cell phones can do, isnвђ™t it?

If youвђ™ve ever had that вђњomg, I need a job!Вђќ moment, but werenвђ™t sure what to do to make some cash in the meantime, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Texting is so popular, and companies know that.

More people want to spend their time using their cell phones, participating in live chats, and text messaging others than they do talking to people on their phones.

So, some places are opting to cash into this trend and use the communication method that people love.

The good news is that you can get paid to send texts in various ways, and iвђ™m going to show you how.

Where can I find the best texting jobs?

Back in the day, a place called chacha was the best way to make money using your phone.

There were some popular positions there, like a chacha guide and chacha vetter, that allows people to answer questions from other chacha users via a text message.

You didnвђ™t necessarily have to have any skills other than knowing how to send a message and having some expertise in at least a category or two.

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It didnвђ™t pay a ton, but active chacha users loved that they could make some extra money just by answering questions.

Unfortunately, the site no longer exists, and many are scrambling to find something similar that lets them cash in on text messages.

Which brings us to this article!

Itвђ™s totally possible to make some extra money by texting your friends and family.

And, this is a good source of some extra income if youвђ™re in between jobs, trying to save some cash, or just need a little extra each month.

Iвђ™m going to start with the best option for earning money from your texts, from an app known as blabber.

What is blabber and how does it work?

Blabber is a text messaging app that can replace your phoneвђ™s default messaging app.

Basically, you sign up for the app and invite your friends to use it too.

Once theyвђ™re signed up, you can start sending text messages to each other.

Every 15,000 messages you send equals $15 for you!

How does blabber afford to just give away money for texting?

Well, it actually makes money by showing you advertisements through the app on occasion.

So, in exchange for its users seeing the ads from which it gets paid, it lets you make some money for your time.

Basically, it works similarly to reward sites that partner with companies for advertising purposes, but gives you a fun new way to make some money by viewing ads.

What are the requirements?

There arenвђ™t many requirements to use blabber.

Itвђ™s available for ios and android devices.

There isnвђ™t much information available regarding age limits, countries, etc., but iвђ™d assume that, if you can get a paypal account, you can receive money from the app.

Whatвђ™s the pay like?

Blabber makes your payments super simple to figure out.

You get paid $15 for every 15,000 text messages you send.

If you send 30,000 text messages in a month (wow!), then you can earn $30 a month.

Obviously, this will work out better for people who are frequent texters.

Casual texters definitely wonвђ™t see as much of a benefit from blabber.

Using that figure, you wonвђ™t see your $15 for almost four months.

Still, youвђ™re getting paid to do what you do every day anyway.

And, if you have several people you text every day, you could easily meet your $15 payment in a month or two.

Once you earn your $15, blabber will send it to your paypal account that you have on file in your profile.

What are some of the benefits of blabber?

There are a lot of apps that claim to be a lot like blabber.

Text message your friends, get paid.

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But, not all of them deliver as well as blabber.

If you check out its reviews on google play, youвђ™ll see that it has a high rating over 4 stars.

What do people like about it?

First, your payment will come through immediately to paypal once you cash out.

Thereвђ™s no waiting around for days to get your money.

Second, there are no fees from the app itself.

Do be aware, though, that your cell phone serviceвђ™s text and data rates will still apply.

Third, you can still send and get messages the same way as you normally would.

That means that blabber lets you send multimedia messages in addition to regular texts, so you donвђ™t have to worry about them not going through on either end.

Finally, the app secures your information so no third party will ever have access to the content in your texts.

Are there any drawbacks to using blabber?

Unfortunately, you wonвђ™t get credited for the text messages you receive, only the ones you send.

So, even if your granny dorothy texts you ten times a day saying how much she misses you, those texts wonвђ™t go toward your 15,000 texts requirement.

Itвђ™s also important to note that you and your texting recipients have to remain active in the chat to get credited.

Blabber stops you from sending texts after three texts in a row to a recipient who hasnвђ™t responded yet.

Once the person texts back, you can send more.

Blabber does that to prevent people from scamming the system by sending hundreds to thousands of texts in a short period of time just to get paid faster.

Thatвђ™s actually a good feature to prevent fraud, but just know that you wonвђ™t be able to send texts as you normally would.

There are some limitations.

Another thing to remember is that blabber gets paid from the ads it shows you.

If you donвђ™t want to view ads between texts, this app may not be the best choice for you.

One final drawback is that the app can be much laggier than the messaging app youвђ™re used to.

The ads do tend to slow things down a bit, especially if you send several texts in a row to friends.

Older devices may even see this problem more than newer devices.

How can I start?

If youвђ™re interested in signing up, head to the app store for your device.

Here are the direct links for google play and itunes.

Once youвђ™ve installed it and signed up, you can import your contacts to the app.

Be sure to invite your friends so they can download the app and help you start earning!

If blabber doesnвђ™t look super appealing to you, donвђ™t worry.

There are other ways that you can make money from texting!

Here are a few of my favorites:

1Q is an app that pays you to use your mobile device to assist brands in their market research efforts.

Itвђ™s sort of like a paid survey app, but not quite.

Basically, companies can browse the database of members to find ones that meet their needs for age, location, interests, etc.

Theyвђ™ll send you a message through the app asking a question.

Youвђ™ll respond with your answer and get paid up to $0.50 per answer!

Sometimes, companies will want to know more so theyвђ™ll send more questions.

In that case, youвђ™ll continue to get paid more for your responses.

Be sure to have a paypal account set up, as thatвђ™s the only current form of payment that 1Q offers.

AQA 63336 (review)

AQA 63336 is a UK company that pays you to answer questions using your text messaging service.

You have to be at least 16 to join and start earning cash.

This place is a lot like chacha used to be.

Members can ask any type of question, and within minutes, a responder will have an answer for them.

Youвђ™ll have to apply for a job here by sending your resume and cover letter to the email address listed on the site.

If you look to be a good fit, someone from the company will contact you.

Itвђ™s not clear if you have to be a UK resident to apply, but you can always send an email and ask.

It does appear, though, that youвђ™ll need to have a good knowledge of british english and slang so that you can fully understand the questions being asked.

Chat recruit

Chat recruit offers a paid text messaging service that wonвђ™t be for everyone, but itвђ™s still one I thought I should add because it might be a good opportunity for some.

Here, youвђ™ll text message men who want to chat with women.

You can use your imagination, but should be aware that the chats can end up pretty racy.

There are other ways to make money here, too, including live camera chats, phone chats, and email messaging.

The UK-based company pays you for your time via bank transfer.

You can choose to get paid once or twice per month.

Drizzle SMS

Drizzle SMS is similar to blabber, but not quite as popular.

This app tends to slow down some devices from ads, but still gives you a way to make some money from texting.

To avoid the slowness factor, you can even reply to your friends and family with quick reply, which doesnвђ™t require you to open the app.

Like blabber, drizzle SMS makes money from advertisements and pays you from the ads it places within your texts.

As a bonus, you can choose from amazon gift cards, paypal cash, and more rewards, rather than just the paypal cash you get from blabber.

KGB (review)

KGB is another site thatвђ™s similar to how chacha used to be.

You can use your phone to provide assistance through text messaging to others.

KGB agents must be at least 18 years old, live in the united states, and be eligible for work in the united states.

You get ten cents for each response that you give, or you can earn five cents from another answer you find that answers the question.

You can work on a flexible schedule, but you must remain active every 30 days, or KGB may release you from contract work.

Conclusion: make money sending text messages

If you love text messaging, youвђ™ll love making money with these sites.

No, they wonвђ™t pay all the bills, but at least theyвђ™ll help you out.

I definitely recommend trying blabber first.

It has the highest success rate and the most potential to get you paid.

The other options are good backups for some extra cash.

Have you tried any of these sites and apps?

Let us know your experiences in a comment below!

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The reverend

The reverend

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Once you download the app and install, you will be asked for access to the phone, just accept and sign up for an account, and use you're phone as you would normally, you will get text messages throughout the day, just ignore them and you will get paid 0.02 euros for each sms

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Minimum payout is 2 euros, and cash out to paypal instantly, it's a slow earner, but still pays

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Can you share what permissions you are giving the app.

*tin foil hat on*
€1 a month in exchange for all your data seems a little cheap. I don't want them knowing my 'specialist interests' for less than €2 a month.
*tin foil hat off*

so, let's see, what we have: earn from mobile or you can say earn money by sending and receiving SMS is one of best concept you will find to make money. Your mobile has the power at earn money by receiving sms

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