Top 6 Best Forex Brokers with No Deposit Bonus for 2021, fx deposit.

Fx deposit

The result is that forex brokers’ no deposit bonus offers, and any kind of registration bonus offers are not allowed for traders who are in the EU.

No deposit forex bonuses

Top 6 Best Forex Brokers with No Deposit Bonus for 2021, fx deposit.

Top 6 Best Forex Brokers with No Deposit Bonus for 2021, fx deposit.

Top 6 Best Forex Brokers with No Deposit Bonus for 2021, fx deposit.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. The no deposit bonus offers are not available in the EU. This is due to the fact that the european market regulator, ESMA, has banned certain types of forex broker bonus offers under the mifid II regulations.

Top 6 best forex brokers with no deposit bonus for 2021

Top rated:


What better way to start trading than with a no deposit bonus forex broker? This should give you the perfect start to trading with some risk-free funds. To help you achieve that goal, we have put together a collection of the best regulated forex brokers in the market who offer a no deposit bonus to traders.

Beyond looking at more details of these top brokers, we will also provide more information on no deposit bonus availability, and how you can use these bonuses to your advantage when trading.

What is a no deposit bonus?

Very simply, a no deposit bonus is an amount of money which is given to you as a trader just for completing the broker registration process. This means that you do not have to deposit any of your own real funds to gain access to this no deposit bonus.

No deposit bonus: are they available in the EU?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. The no deposit bonus offers are not available in the EU. This is due to the fact that the european market regulator, ESMA, has banned certain types of forex broker bonus offers under the mifid II regulations.

The result is that forex brokers’ no deposit bonus offers, and any kind of registration bonus offers are not allowed for traders who are in the EU.

Please note that the following bonuses are available only to people based outside the EU. Moreover, we do strongly suggest to not judge the broker based solely on the no deposit bonus, but on the suitability to your trading goals and preferences.

Top 6 best brokers with no deposit bonus

Here is a closer look at the top brokers we have selected who do offer a no deposit bonus.

Foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD)

What is a foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD)?

Foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD) is a fixed investment instrument in which a specific sum of money that is poised to earn interest is deposited into a bank. Although fixed deposits have virtually no risk, foreign currency fixed deposits introduce an element of risk because investors must exchange their currency into the target currency and then convert it back again once the term is over.

Key takeaways

  • A foreign currency fixed deposit is a fixed deposit investment for keeping foreign currency.

  • The money deposited in an FCFD earns interest but comes with some currency exchange risk.

  • Money in an FCFD account can’t be withdrawn until the fixed term is up.

  • Investors use FCFD accounts to diversify or hedge against foreign currency movements.

Understanding a foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD)

A foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD) is a time deposit issued by banks to investors who would like to keep foreign currency for future use or hedge against foreign currency fluctuation. The money deposited in the FCFD account cannot be withdrawn until the agreed fixed term has expired.

A canadian investor who has CAD dollars but wants to hold U.S. Dollars can deposit USD into a US dollar-denominated FCFD paying a higher interest rate than a local canadian savings account. To do this, the investor will have to purchase US dollars from the issuing bank using his canadian dollars. After the US dollars is purchased, it is deposited into the FCFD.

Special considerations

If an investor withdraws the funds prior to maturity, an early withdrawal penalty would apply, which is often steep and set at the discretion of the bank. The early redemption of a foreign currency fixed deposit will very likely result in the partial loss of the principal sum due to the combined effects of the redemption charges and bid-ask spread charges.

Benefits of a foreign currency fixed deposit

There are a number of reasons why an FCFD investment appeals to certain investors. Investors who want some diversification to their portfolios may opt for fcfds in another currency. Companies looking to hedge against foreign exchange movements may use the FCFD as a hedging tool. For such companies, an FCFD is used to facilitate cross-currency swaps. Investors who want exposure to a target currency because they invest abroad, have children studying in a given country, or conduct business in another country may invest in fcfds.

An FCFD can be invested in in two ways—opening a local account that offers deposits in the foreign currency that the investor would like to gain exposure to or opening an account in the foreign country itself. Interest rates, minimum deposits, tenure periods, and available currencies vary from bank to bank.

When foreign currency fixed deposits are larger and longer in duration, they receive much higher interest rates. An FCFD can be a very useful and safe way to invest your money. However, depositors must make sure that they do not need that money for the entire duration of the term.

Example of a foreign currency fixed deposit (FCFD)

For example, USDCAD is quoted as 1.29 from an FCFD issuing bank. An investor that wants to deposit $100,000 will buy USD at the rate of 1.29 from the bank by selling CAD129,000. The $100,000 is deposited in the FCFD account for one year and earns an annual interest of 1.5%. After the tenure ends, the USD is sold for CAD at the prevailing foreign exchange rate offered by the issuing bank.

Investors who do not expect foreign exchange rates to move against them will typically use an FCFD. However, all FCFD investors face foreign exchange risk given that if there is an adverse movement in the exchange rate, the transaction costs and exchange rate difference might negate any excess interest returns or even put the investor in losses.

Following our example above, at the end of the term, the investor earns 1.5% x $100,000 = $1,500. However, the bank is only willing to purchase USD at a rate of 1.21. This means that the investor will receive canadian dollars worth $101,500 x 1.21 = CAD122,815. As you can tell, this amount is below the investor’s original investment amount of CAD129,000.


Benefits of trading with small amounts and list of forex brokers with a low minimum deposit

While we would all love to have tons of money in our trading accounts, starting out with a small deposit is highly recommended to ensure you do not blow up your life savings. Trading with small amounts helps you hone your skills and prevent you from blowing up your account in the future. Other than the skill building aspect, there are also other advantages that come with trading with small amounts, including;

Experience is an important factor to consider when trading forex. Trading with small amounts allows you to gain experience while minimizing your losses. Once you have acquired enough experience, you can then proceed to use larger amounts to trade.

Trading small amounts is not just useful for novice traders. An experienced trader may also trade with small amounts when they want to try out a new trading strategy.

  • Reduce commissions

Forex Brokers with low minimum deposits

When trading small amounts, you are usually constricted to put the majority of your money into a single trade. This, however, helps you reduce commissions. Traders are usually more likely to be sloppy when you are going to be making 20 trades in a day. But when trading with small amounts forces traders to be more selective about the trades they take.

These traders are sure to take their time to find and trade with only the cleanest charts, with the best risk to reward. This also means they will be focusing more on perfecting their strategies as to being a jack of all trades and a master of none.

  • Better management of risk

When trading with a huge account, most traders usually end up using fuzzy math when evaluating risk, reward or prospective trades. This is because they are making many trades and the difference between a good risk and an almost acceptable one feels irrelevant. However, when you are trading with a small amount, you do not get room to fool around.

With a small amount, you are usually putting in all of your capital in a single trade. Hence, if you suffer a loss, it will have a significant impact on your account as a whole. Also, when dealing with a small account, your goal is towards a specific goal which is growing your accounts enough to be able to hold multiple positions at a go. Hence, any loss, no matter how small, feels like a real setback.

As a beginner trader, it is not unlikely that you will probably blow out your first account. Therefore, if you start with a small account, you will lose less, making it a smart business decision.

The trading market has a lot of information circulating every minute. This can become overwhelming, especially for a new trader who is watching a huge number of stocks, listening to the news, and trying to manage their position. This, in turn, can lead them into making bad trades, not trading anything or even having a breakdown.

One of the benefits of trading with small amounts is that you will only be managing one trade at a time. This helps remove a massive amount of stress, allowing you to focus on that particular trade. As a result, you grow accustomed to managing the stress and data of trading, allowing you to slowly increase your ability to manage more concurrent positions.

List of forex brokers with a low minimum deposits 2021

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When you are just starting out trading, we highly recommend that you seek the services of reputable brokers. While low minimum deposit forex brokers seem attractive, you should be aware that many in the market are scammers. So make sure you trade with a regulated fx broker with a license. Here are our top 5 forex brokers with a low minimum deposit:

  • Financial brokerage services (FBS)

Structured investment deposits - digital binary deposit

Product highlights

Earn potentially higher return than normal time deposit if the chosen exchange rates move in line with your view.

Get started

Features and benefits

Earn potentially higher returns than that available on traditional time deposits

Opportunity to take advantage of your FX view without currency conversion

100% capital protection at maturity *

In any event you will receive your potential interest in the deposit currency

Available in a wide range of currencies including renminbi

How it works

Digital binary deposit is a principal protected deposit with final redemption linked to a currency level at maturity.

The following hypothetical example illustrates the deposit mechanism:

Type bullish
currency pair EUR/ USD
deposit currency USD
deposit tenor 3 months
trigger 1.5550
minimum redemption rate 100.36% (implied yield 1.41% p.A.)
maximum redemption rate 100.67% (implied yield 2.62% p.A.)

Final redemption scenarios:

Scenario 1 :
at maturity, if EUR/USD fixes at or above trigger, customer will get the maximum redemption rate

Scenario 2 :
at maturity, if EUR/USD fixes at or below trigger, customer will get the minimum redemption rate

Default scenario
in the worst case scenario (e.G. Insolvency of the bank), the investor may get nothing back and the potential maximum loss could be 100% of investment amount and no coupon received.

Scenario analysis disclaimer
the scenarios above are provided for illustrative purposes only, and do not reflect a complete analysis of all possible gain and loss scenarios that may arise during any actual investment. No representation or warranty is made by the bank that any scenario described above can be duplicated under real investment conditions. Actual results may vary from the results shown above, and variations may be material.

Risk disclosure

*the capital protection only applies to deposits held to maturity. Early redemption is not allowed. The deposit can only be withdrawn on the deposit maturity date.

Structured investment deposit – digital binary deposit is a structured product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in structured investment deposit – digital binary deposit unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Do not invest in it unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with it. If you are in any doubt about the risks involved in the product, you may clarify with the intermediary or seek independent professional advice.

Structured investment deposit – digital binary deposit is not listed on the hong kong stock exchange or any other stock exchange, and hence investors will not be entitled to claim from the investor compensation fund.

Investment involves risks. Past performance of investment products are no guide to future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount they invest.

Issuer's risk – you rely on HSBC's creditworthiness. The product is subject to both the actual and perceived measures of the credit worthiness of HSBC and there is no assurance of protection against a default by HSBC in respect of its payment obligations. In the worst case scenario (e.G. Insolvency of HSBC), the investor might not be able to recover the principal and/or any interest /coupon (if any) and the potential maximum loss could be 100% of investment amount and interest/coupon received.

- not a time deposit – digital binary deposit is NOT equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. It is NOT a protected deposit and is NOT protected by the deposit protection scheme in hong kong.

- derivatives risk – digital binary deposit is embedded with FX option(s). Option transactions involve risks. If the exchange rate of the currency pair performs against expectation at the fixing time on the fixing date, you can only earn the minimum return, which could be 0%, out of this structure.

- limited potential gain – the maximum potential gain is limited to the higher return, when exchange rate of currency pair at fixing moves in line with your anticipated direction.

- not the same as buying the linked currency – investing in digital binary deposit is not the same as buying the linked currency directly.

- market risk – the return of digital binary deposit will depend upon the exchange rates of currency pair against trigger rate at the fixing time on the fixing date. Movements in exchange rates can be unpredictable, sudden and drastic, and affected by complex political and economic factors. You must be prepared to take the risk of earning the lower payout/no return (if exchange rate performs against expectation) on the money invested.

- liquidity risk - digital binary deposit is designed to be held until maturity. You should not use it as a short term investment vehicle and should have sufficient liquid emergency funds to meet any unforeseen circumstances. You do not have a right to request early termination of this product before maturity. Under special circumstances, the bank may accept your early redemption request at its sole discretion and on a case by case basis. The bank will provide an indication of the redemption price upon such request. Your return upon such early redemption will likely be lower than that if the deposit were held until maturity and may be negative. You must be prepared that you may incur a significant loss of the deposit principal.

- credit risk of the bank – digital binary deposit is not secured by any collateral. When you invest in this product, you will be relying on the bank’s creditworthiness. If the bank becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, you can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the bank. In the worst case, you could suffer a total loss of your deposit principal.

- currency risk – if the deposit currency is not your home currency, and you choose to convert it back to your home currency at maturity, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange fluctuations.

- risk of early termination by the bank – the bank shall have the discretion to uplift a digital binary deposit or any part thereof prior to the maturity date (subject to the deduction of such break costs or the addition of such proportion of the return or redemption amount, which may result in a figure less than the original principal amount of the digital binary deposit) if it determines, in its sole discretion, that this is necessary or appropriate to protect any right of the bank to combine accounts or set-off, or any security interest, or to protect your interests.

- specific risks related to RMB as deposit currency or as a currency in your chosen currency pair

  1. RMB currency risk - you should note that the value of RMB against other foreign currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC government's control (for example, the PRC government regulates conversion between RMB and foreign currencies), which may adversely affect your return under the RMB products when you convert RMB into your home currency.

  2. This product (if denominated in RMB) will be denominated and settled in RMB deliverable in hong kong. RMB may be offered in hong kong and in mainland china at different rates.

  3. This product (if denominated in RMB) does not have access to invest directly in mainland china. Accordingly, its available choice of underlying investments denominated in RMB outside mainland china may be limited, such limitation could have adverse effect on the return and performance of this product.

  4. Possibility of not receiving RMB upon redemption - the RMB denominated structured investment deposits may have a significant portion of non-RMB denominated underlying investments. There is a possibility that you will not receive the full amount in RMB upon redemption. This may be the case if the bank is not able to obtain sufficient amount of RMB in a timely manner due to the exchange controls and restrictions applicable to the currency.

the information does not constitute a solicitation for the making of any deposit, or investment in any products referred to herein. The above deposits are not the same as nor should they be treated as a substitute for normal fixed time deposits. The return in relation to a deposit will depend upon market conditions prevailing at the relevant fixing time(s) during or in respect of the relevant deposit period. The level of the underlying asset may go up or down during such period and this will affect the return. The return may be less than would have been payable on a normal time deposit for the same period. You must be prepared to risk the interest that might otherwise have been earned on money invested as a deposit. If the deposit is not in your home currency, and you choose to convert it back to your home currency upon maturity, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations. Investment involves risks. You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your risk appetite, investment experience, objectives, financial resources and circumstances. This information is not intended to provide and should not be relied upon for tax, legal or accounting advice, investment recommendation or a credit or other evaluation of the product. Prospective investors should consult their tax, legal, accounting or other advisors. If you have any concerns about the products you should consult your professional advisers. For details on the relevant deposits, please refer to the terms and conditions, the relevant appendices and the fact sheets, all of which are available at HSBC business centres from time to time.

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Deposit plus

Important risk warning

  • Deposit plus is a structured investment product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in deposit plus unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Do not invest in it unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with it. If you are in any doubt about the risks involved in the product, you may clarify with the intermediary or seek independent professional advice.

  • Deposit plus is a structured investment product, which is NOT a protected deposit and is NOT protected by the deposit protection scheme in hong kong.

Additional risks are disclosed in the section of "risk disclosure" below. Please refer to it for details.

Get started

Features and benefits

Place your deposit for as low as HK$250,000 or equivalent.

Choose two currencies – a deposit currency and a linked currency. Deposit plus offers you with a variety of currency choices to suit your need for foreign currency. For example, you might consider the currency of the country which you purchase goods from or where you have local expenses.

Suitable for businesses that regularly convert funds from one currency to another and are seeking higher returns.

Choose your own deposit period, from one week to three months.

Earn a higher interest rate than a normal hong kong dollar or foreign currency time deposit if you are willing to risk conversion into another currency.

Enjoy the flexibility of fixing your deposit period and conversion rate or deposit plus interest rate.

How it works

The following example illustrates various scenarios* that determine the final redemption currency and your return:

Deposit currency hong kong dollar (HKD)
linked currency australian dollar (AUD)
deposit placed on 30 mar 2020
deposit date 1 april 2020
fixing date 9 april 2020
maturity date 15 april 2020
interest period 14 days
conversion rate^ 4.6237
deposit amount HKD250,000
deposit plus interest rate 10.15%p.A.
Upon maturity if the AUD/HKD exchange rate is at or above 4.6237 at fixing, the principal and interest will be paid in HKD.
If the AUD/HKD exchange rate is below 4.6237 at fixing, the principal and interest will be paid in AUD.

^based on indicative pricing quoted on 30 march 2020.

*the above scenarios are for reference only. Return depends upon the market conditions on the fixing date.
&interest = principal x interest rate p.A. X tenor (in number of days) / [365 days (if deposit currency is HKD, SGD or GBP) or 360 days (if deposit currency is other foreign currencies)].
§assume the deposit is converted back to HKD upon maturity and the exchange rate equals to the rate upon fixing.
In this worst payout scenario, you will receive return or the linked currency the value of which may be worth substantially less than the original amount you invested (and in the extreme case could be worth nothing).

Other solutions

If the bank has become insolvent, you will become an unsecured creditor of the bank and what you will receive in respect of the product will depend on the liquidation procedure applicable to companies incorporated in the jurisdiction of the bank. Upon insolvency of the bank, the market value (or the termination value) of the product will be substantially less than the principal amount and there is a risk that the product may become valueless.
In the worst case scenario, you may get nothing back and the potential maximum loss could be 100% of principal amount and no interest will be received.

Scenario analysis disclaimer

The above scenarios are provided for illustrative purposes only, and do not reflect a complete analysis of all possible gain and loss scenarios that may arise during any actual investment. No representation or warranty is made by the bank that any scenario described above can be duplicated under real investment conditions. Actual results may vary from the results shown above, and variations may be material.

Risk disclosure

The net return in relation to deposit plus will depend upon market conditions prevailing at the deposit fixing time on the deposit fixing date. You must be prepared to incur loss as a result of depreciation in the value of the currency paid. Such loss may offset the interest earned on the deposit and may even result in losses in the principal amount of the deposit. Investment involves risks.You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your risk appetite, investment experience, objectives, financial resources and circumstances. If you have any concerns about this product, you should consult your professional financial advisers.

  • Not a time deposit - deposit plus is NOT equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. It is NOT a protected deposit and is NOT protected by the deposit protection scheme in hong kong.

  • Derivatives risk - deposit plus is embedded with FX option(s). Option transactions involve risks, especially when selling an option. Although the premium received from selling an option is fixed, you may sustain a loss well in excess of such premium amount, and your loss could be substantial.

  • Limited potential gain - the maximum potential gain is limited to the interest on the deposit.

  • Maximum potential loss - deposit plus is not principal protected. You must be prepared to incur loss as a result of depreciation in the value of the currency paid (if the deposit is converted to the linked currency at maturity). Such loss may offset the interest earned on the deposit and may even result in losses in the principal amount of the deposit.

  • Not the same as buying the linked currency - investing in deposit plus is not the same as buying the linked currency directly.

  • Market risk - the net return of deposit plus will depend upon the exchange rate of the deposit currency against the linked currency prevailing at the deposit fixing time on the deposit fixing date. Movements in exchange rates can be unpredictable, sudden and drastic, and affected by complex political and economic factors.

  • Liquidity risk - deposit plus is designed to be held until maturity. You do not have a right to request early termination of this product before maturity.

  • Credit risk of the bank - deposit plus is not secured by any collateral. When you invest in this product, you will be relying on the bank’s creditworthiness. If the bank becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, you can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the bank. In the worst case, you could suffer a total loss of your deposit principal.

  • Currency risk - if the deposit currency and/or linked currency is not your home currency, and you may make a gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Specific risks related to deposit plus with renminbi as deposit currency or linked currency

  • Renminbi currency risk - renminbi is subject to exchange rate risk. In case you receive linked currency instead of deposit currency at maturity and you want to convert the maturity proceed back to deposit currency, you will be bound by the prevailing renminbi exchange conversion restrictions and it may happen that such exchange cannot be performed.

  • Credit risk of counterparties - derivatives instruments are involved in deposit plus and you are exposed to the credit risk of counterparties being the issuers of derivative instruments. In case the derivatives counterparty defaults and the bank suffers loss accordingly, the default risk of the bank with respect to the deposit plus payments will increase.

  • Commitment to the full deposit period - early redemption is not allowed. In case you need to redeem a deposit plus before maturity and the bank agrees, the redemption amount will be determined at sole discretion of the bank and you must be prepared that you may incur a significant loss of the deposit principal.

  • Liquidity risk - deposit plus is not transferrable. There is no secondary market for trading deposit plus.

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    Fx deposit

    With over 300+ instruments such as FX pairs, indices, commodities and share cfds, trade your way with vantage FX.

    • Trading accounts

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    • Trading conditions

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    Access the industry leading MT4 and MT5 platforms on your PC, mac, ios and android devices.

    • Trading platforms

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    • Social trading

      • Zulutrade

      • Myfxbook autotrade

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    Vantage FX offers clients award-winning customer service, a range of promotions, educational resources and trading tools.

    • Accounts

      • Deposit

      • Withdraw

      • Change leverage

      • Teamviewer

      • Deposits and withdrawals policy

      • Dispute resolution

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    • Education

      • Learn forex

      • MT4 manuals

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    • Promotions

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      • Forex VPS

      • Economic calendar

      • Forex sentiment indicators

      • PRO trader tools

      • PRO trader tutorials

    About us

    Vantage FX is a leading regulated forex broker offering traders around the world access to global markets.

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    Partner with vantage FX, the industry's leading forex broker for ibs and CPA affiliates and start earning more today.


      • Trading accounts

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      • Products

        • Forex

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        • Soft commodities

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        • US share cfds

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        • AU share cfds

      • Trading conditions

        • Trading hours

        • Spreads and commissions

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        • Swap rates

        • Oil rollover

        • Slippage policy

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        • Dividend adjustment

        • Corporate actions

    • Platforms

      • Trading platforms

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    • Clients

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        • FX rebates 10% bonus

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        • Economic calendar

        • Forex sentiment indicators

        • PRO trader tools

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    • About us

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    Deposits and withdrawals policy

    All deposits and withdrawals can be made via the client portal.


    1. Funds deposited into a trading account should be made from a source (e.G. Credit/debit card, bank, alternative payments account, etc.) that is in the same name as the trading account.

    2. At our discretion, vantage FX may require confirmation of funding account ownership at any time (credit card, bank account, alternative payments account, etc.) before funds can be credited into a trading account. For example, if client wishes to deposit using credit or debit card, the card scan copy or card photo should be provided. Failure to comply with this policy will result in rejection of the deposit. Please ensure to redact the credit card numbers to only show the first 6 and the last 3 digits (for example, 1234 56 ████ 234).

    3. Vantage FX strictly does not accept payments from third parties. If, for any reasons, vantage FX becomes aware of a payment made from a third party, vantage FX is entitled to reverse the payment, close any open positions, null any profits gained, or/and terminate the trading account. Vantage FX will not be liable for any losses as results of breach of this policy.

    4. Payments from joint bank accounts or credit cards are accepted if the trading account holder is one of the beneficiaries.

    5. If we choose to waive or cover any fees, we can only cover fees that we see. Other fees charged by your bank, intermediary bank and/or our financial institution remain your responsibility.

    6. Vantage FX will not be liable for any losses (including auto or forced liquidation event) incurred as results of delays in processing your deposit, including and not limited to payments made to cover on-going margin requirement. Only cleared funds are deposited into a trading account. It remains the client’s responsibility to ensure his/her trading account(s) have sufficient funds to cover margin requirements.


    1. To comply with AML/CTF rules and regulations, vantage FX will only process withdrawals to the same account (e.G. Credit/debit card, bank, alternative payments account, etc.) that was used to deposit the funds unless express instruction is provided to send funds to a different account in the name of the trading account holder. At its direction, vantage FX reserves the right to reject instruction to process return of funds to a different account without providing reasons. Additional information and documents may be required to be provided by the client.

    2. For example, if a deposit is made via credit/debit card, then a subsequent withdrawal request is received, the amount of funds sent back to the relevant credit/debit card may not exceed the original amount deposited from same. Any profits made in excess of the deposited amount may be transferred to another account in the name of the trading account holder. At its direction, vantage FX reserves the right to reject instruction to process return of funds to a different account without providing reasons.

    3. Due to AML/CTF rules and regulations, vantage FX cannot deposit funds to third parties. All funds withdrawn from a trading account must go to an account in the same name as the trading account holder.

    4. Due to credit/debit card limitations, vantage FX can only refund up to the amount received from said credit/debit card (i.E. Excess fund cannot be applied to this withdrawal method). Refunds made to credit/debit cards may take between 3 – 5 business days from the date of processing to appear on the statement.

    5. All withdrawal requests are processed monday to friday 9 am – 5 pm. Requests received after 5 pm will be processed on the next business day. Please note that our bank cut off time is 4 pm and withdrawals processed after this time will not leave our bank account till the next business day.

    6. International bank wire transfers attract a minimum fee of 20 units of your trading account base currency (i.E. 20 USD). Vantage FX will deduct this fee from the withdrawal amount prior to depositing to the nominated bank account. Please refer to your bank regarding any fees they may charge you for the services they provide.

    7. Clients acknowledge they may be required to provide information and/or documents on the source(s) of the funds and/or source of wealth in general when processing a withdrawal request. Vantage FX reserves the right to refuse to process a withdrawal request where a client does not provide all required information, and/or where vantage FX has reasonable concerns that doing so may result in breaches of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations (AML/CTF laws).

    8. Clients acknowledge vantage FX does not guarantee a recall of a financial transaction under any circumstances and that vantage FX is not liable for any losses suffered as a result of providing incorrect instructions/details of the destination account.

    9. Vantage FX reserves the rights to refuse to process a withdrawal request if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the trading account may result in deficit or cause the account to fall below the margin requirements.

    10. Vantage FX reserves the right to refuse a withdrawal request if the trading account is subject to a charge-back investigation or vantage FX has not yet received any requested information/documentation regarding any trading account in the name of the client.

    Additional terms

    NOTE: this policy cannot be exhaustive. Additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering and counter terrorism financing. Usage of this site and services is subject to the client agreement and other operative agreements which may be amended from time to time at vantage FX’s sole discretion.

    Fx deposit

    All transfers via electronic payment systems are automatic. Transferred funds become available for trading at once.

    Bank transfers are made within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of funds to the bank account of the company.

    Deposit methodsdeposit timemin depositfees
    neteller1 hour10 USD3.2% -3.7% + $0.29 min 1$deposit
    bank transfer3 - 5 working days100 USDbank commissiondeposit
    credit / debit cards1 hour15 USDup to $299 3.75%-8.5% +$0.5
    (depends on the country)

    Through mypaxforex, our simple and secure online facility, you are able to manage and execute your deposits and withdrawals.

    Paxforex supports deposits and withdrawals in all the major currencies and accepts a variety of different payment options including bank wires, credit/debit cards, webmoney, perfect money. By listening to you, and evaluating your needs we are constantly researching and assessing new deposit methods to add to your options.

    What is the minimum deposit amount?

    Forex minimum deposit allows to open a trading forex account with paxforex and it is $10 or the equivalent amount in your base currency.

    Are there any fees?

    Paxforex broker does not apply any deposit fees, all fees are made by card processor or by electronic payment systems.

    How do I deposit forex? Is it easy?

    Just login to mypaxforex and you will see a variety of forex deposit methods for you to use. If you require help in deciding which method to use then you can contact our customer support team by email, phone or live chat. They are available 24/5!

    Are my transactions safe?

    Yes, paxforex ensures safety, security and reliability at all times. Using advanced encryption technology to ensure privacy and security over the internet. All communication is encrypted using SSL technology (secure socket layer). Passwords are encoded; making sure that only you know your password. All personal information is completely confidential; we do not share your information with any third parties.

    Are my funds secured?

    Your funds are held in segregated accounts, specially designated as “clients accounts”, with a number of investment grade european banks which are closely monitored. Paxforex has similar capital adequacy requirements to banks.

    Disclaimer (waiver of liability)

    Goods and services, offered by us as a merchant are not provided on order or by request of a person or entity, running webmoney transfer system. We hereby act as an independent entity providing services and making independent decisions on pricing and offers. Entities, running webmoney transfer system do not receive any commission, interest fees or any other awards/refunds for the provided goods or services and are not liable for our activities.
    Verification, performed by webmoney transfer system only confirms the accuracy of our contact details and proves our identity. Verification is performed by our own free will and doesn't mean or show our connection to the commercial activity of webmoney transfer system operators.

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